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REZONING PETITION OF FORD LEASING <br />DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 <br />of Section 8, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, <br />in the City of South Bend, Indiana, described <br />as follows: <br />Commencing at a point on the East line of Summit <br />Drive, 548.61 feet on an assumed bearing of North <br />0° 13' West of the North line of Western Avenue, <br />said point being the Northwest corner of a tract <br />of land as described in a deed to International <br />Harvester Co. recorded July 12, 1972, in Deed <br />Record 755, Page 448 in the Office of the St. <br />Joseph County Recorder; thence North 890 53' <br />East along the North line of said International <br />Harvester Co. tract 350.00 feet to the Point of <br />beginning; thence continuing North 890 53' East, <br />338.00 feet; thence North 00 13' West, 150.00 <br />feet to the South line of Washington Street; <br />thence South 890 53' West along said South line <br />of Washington Street, 338.00 feet; thence South <br />00 13' East, 150.00 feet to the Point of Begin- <br />ning, containing 1.164 acres, more or less. <br />Subject to all legal highways and easements of <br />record <br />