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Patrick M. McMahon, P.E. <br />Director, Public Works <br />CITY of SOUTH BEND <br />ROGER O. PARENT, Mayor <br />COUNTY -CITY BUILDING SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 <br />(219) 284 -9251 <br />May 21, 1980 <br />Members of the Common Council <br />441 County /City Building <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />_ Attention of Mr. 'Joseph Serge, Chairman, Public Works Committee <br />RE: 1980 Signalization Improvements <br />Gentlemen: <br />Attached you will find an ordinance requesting $124,000.00 from the <br />Local Road and Street Account to be used toward the signalization of <br />intersections at four locations within the City of South Bend. These <br />intersections are: <br />Summit and Western Avenue <br />• Michigan Street and Donmoyer Avenue <br />• Angela Boulevard and Riverside Drive <br />Angela Boulevard and North Shore Drive <br />In 1979, two ordinances were passed appropriating funds from the Special <br />Local Road and Street Account toward intersection signalization improve- <br />ments at thirteen (13) various intersections. The moneys appropriated <br />were intended to be used as matching moneys for Federal -Aid Urban Funds. <br />It has now been determined that these Federal -Aid Urban Funds cannot be <br />applied to the Michigan Street and Donmoyer Avenue or Summit and Western <br />Avenue intersections, nor will they be available in the immediate future <br />in order to be used toward the upgrading of the other eleven intersections <br />listed. Based upon these developments, I have chosen to pursue the instal- <br />lation of signals at Summit and Western Avenue and Michigan Street and <br />