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1. Prepare a written abandoned vehicle <br />report of the vehicle including in- <br />formation on the condition, missing <br />parts, and other facts that substan- <br />tiate that the market value is less <br />than one hundred dollars ($100.00). <br />2. Take photographs to illustrate the <br />condition of the vehicle. <br />3. Immediately remove the vehicle to an <br />automobile storage area or scrapyard. <br />4. Within seventy -two (72) hours after <br />removal or disposal of the vehicle, <br />the Neighborhood Code Enforcement <br />Office shall forward a copy of the <br />abandoned vehicle report and photo- <br />graph relating to same to the Bureau <br />of Motor Vehicles and shall retain <br />the original records and photographs <br />for at least two (2) years. <br />(e) If in the opinion of the officer the market value of <br />an abandoned vehicle is one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more <br />the officer shall make reasonable effort to ascertain the owner <br />or person who may be in control of the vehicle by inquiry of <br />other persons in the neighborhood. Thereafter, the officer <br />shall attach to the vehicle in a prominant place a notice tag <br />containing the following information: <br />1. The date, time, officer's name, public <br />agency and address and telephone num- <br />ber to contact for information. <br />2. The vehicle is considered abandoned. <br />3. The vehicle will be removed after seventy - <br />two (72) hours. <br />4. The owner will be held responsible for all <br />costs incidental to the removal, storage <br />and disposal. <br />5. The owner may avoid costs by removal of <br />the vehicle within seventy -two <br />(72 ) hours. <br />(f) If the tagged vehicle which in the opinion of the <br />officer has a market value of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or <br />more is not removed within the seventy -two (72) hour period, <br />the officer shall: <br />1. Take photographs to illustrate the con- <br />dition of the vehicle and shall require <br />the vehicle to be towed to a storage <br />area. <br />2. Within seventy -two (72) hours after the <br />removal of a abandoned vehicle to a <br />storage area, the Neighborhood Code En- <br />forcement Office shall prepare and for- <br />ward to the Bureau an abandoned vehicle <br />-4- <br />