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#2713- Deed; RELEASE OF EASEMENT Hartman and Millers Addition
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#2713- Deed; RELEASE OF EASEMENT Hartman and Millers Addition
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3/6/2025 1:44:21 PM
Board of Public Works
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b <br />Ql1 13165 <br />NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT <br />for <br />EGRESS AND INGRESS <br />RECORDED ON <br />03-29-2001 10:05:02 <br />TERRI J. RETHLAKE <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />RECORDER <br />REC. FEE: 13.00 <br />PAGES: 3 <br />This non-exchisive Easement Agreement is made by and between Eddy Street Land <br />Trust (hereinafter refered to as Grantor) and the Board of Public Works of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana (hereinafter refered to as Grantee) and is entered into this 21'W <br />day of A��, 2001. <br />WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner or contingent purchaser of the following described <br />real estate: <br />Lots One (1) through Five (5) inclusive along and together with Lots <br />Forty -Six (46) through Forty -Nine (49) inclusive, all as the same are shown <br />and designated on the plat of Hartman and Millers Addition to the Town, <br />now City of South Bend, Indiana, the same being recorded in the office of <br />the Recorder of St. Joseph county, Indiana. <br />WHEREAS, Grantor has filed a petition to vacate alleys adjacent to, and within the <br />limits of property owned or controlled by Grantor which petition is to be considered at <br />public hearing before the South Bend City Council. And <br />WHEREAS, Grantor is obliged to prepare, submit and have recorded an easement for <br />the purposes of egress and ingress along, over and across Grantor's property which <br />easement would provide for continuous and uninterrupted access to the remainder of the <br />alley which will remain after the vacation process has been completed. <br />NOW THEREFORE, Eddy Street Land Trust, <br />, (Grantor), its successors and assigns, <br />y grants an easement for egress and ingress to the Board of Public Works of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana (Grantee), its successors and assigns, along, over and <br />across a parcel of land being more particularly described as beginning at the Southeast <br />corner of Lot 6 as the same is shown and designated on the plat of Hartman and Millers <br />Addition to the Town, now City of South Bend, Indiana, the same being recorded in the <br />office of the Recorder of St. Joseph county, Indiana; thence South, parallel with the East <br />right-of-way line of Eddy Street, a distance of 25 feet to a point of deflection; thence <br />deflecting forty-five degrees (45°) to the right (Southwesterly), a distance of 14.14 feet to <br />a point of deflection; thence deflecting forty-five degrees (45°) to the right (Westerly), a <br />distance of 108 feet, more or less to a point on said Easterly right-of-way line of Eddy <br />Street that is 35 feet South of the Southwest corner of said Lot 6; thence South along said <br />Easterly right-of-way line, a distance of 18 feet; thence East, parallel with the South line of <br />said Lot 6, a distance of 130 feet to a point on the Southerly projection of the East right- <br />of-way line of said Alley; thence North, along said projection, a distance of 53 feet to the <br />Southwest corner of Lot 45 in said Hartman and Millers Addition; thence West, a distance <br />of 12 feet to the place of beginning. <br />Subject to any other easements, covenants or restrictions of record. <br />The same being shown graphically on attached "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a <br />Part hereof. <br />
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