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INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />DIVISION OF ENGINEERING <br />TO: Tom Bodnar <br />FROM: Carl Littrell vl / <br />SUBJECT: Release of Ingress/Egress Easement <br />DATE: October 15, 2001 <br />The Board of Public works approved the attached easement for Ingree/Egress at <br />the March 26, 2001, meeting. At that time, the Eddy Street Land Trust was petitioning for <br />vacation of four alleys, so Ingress/Egress Easement was created to allow access to City <br />facilities within that area. The petition for vacation of those alleys has since been <br />abandoned. Is the Board of Public Works able to release the Ingress/Egress Easement <br />or does the Common Council need to vacate it? <br />,-auu A.m V, it ujs[ance oI 1Ju Ieei io a point on ule Nouttierly projection of the East right- <br />of-way line of said Alley; thence North, along said projection, a distance of 53 feet to the <br />Southwest corner of Lot 45 in said Hartman and Millers Addition; thence West, a distance <br />of 12 feet to the place of beginning. <br />Subject to any other easements, covenants or restrictions of record. <br />The same being shown graphically on attached "Exhibit All attached hereto and made a <br />part hereof. <br />