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Mr. Carl Latrell f <br />Page 2 <br />July 11, 2000 <br />,7 orthwest corner of.Nfain and lrlarion <br />New illuminated post and panel sign that measures 57' long x *T hi;I/-;;­ <br />ie note that the individual sign details do not show the Standard Hospital "H" and the Parking " P" as <br />=sted, Memorial will pursue this with the actual sign fabricator. IM"ce Sign systems was used as a <br />sltant and may or may not fabricate and instaII the signs. Also some wording may change as tilemorinl <br />izes the signage. <br />:re is anything else that is needed please call me at 23 :-1636 or fax at23-1-1632. Memorial looks forward to <br />favorable consideration of this request <br />,.rely, <br />-�Les <br />:tor oI Projects <br />1ary Gilot, Director, Depa.*-tment of Pubiic Works w/enclosures <br />vlark Chambers wlenclosures <br />