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1 1, 2000 <br />Carl Littrell <br />ctor of Engineering <br />5 County -City Bldg. <br />W. Jefferson Blvd. <br />:h Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Memorial <br />Hospital of South Bend <br />;0�/ <br />Sienage in Public Right of way for tilemorial Hospital Of South Bend <br />,{ r <br />Carl, <br />Y J —UO <br />t <br />:iorial Hospital hereby requests approval to install signs within the public Right-of-way at the below described <br />Lions. This new sisnaze is needed because by Memorial's new office building ( 100 Navarre Place) and the <br />insion of our EmerLyency/Trauma center and the Child Birthing unit. <br />-equested in our meeting of June 26, 2000, Memorial has located these signs with wood lathe and identified the <br />of each at the specific location. We have also called underground utilities for their locates. <br />•re included the following items for your use in reviewing the si?Tt locations: <br />)verall Campus site plan <br />ocation plan for each specific sign <br />)etail of each specific sign <br />ssion to place sianage at the following locations is requested: <br />=1- Near intersection of'Marion and'Michigan streets <br />New iIIuminated sign measuring 60"square x I5'0" Kish <br />�2- orthwest come- of Navarre:NMichiS!2 <br />gn with new illuminated sign that measures 6'0" square x I5'0"high <br />Replace existing illuminated si <br />1 -"3 4outhwest corner of Bartlett/Michig-an <br />Replace existing illuminated sign with ne.v illuminated sift that measures 6'0" square by 15'0" high <br />a North side of Bartlett between'Main and'licltiaan. mid bloc's <br />Replace existing sign with new post and panel sign that nicasures 5' 71/4" long x 6'0" hicin <br />.mofa-out�airifBartlett <br />Nj ew post and panel sign that measures 5' 7" lone x T-4" high <br />:46- SUla11 side of 133rt1e:t act —wee 1 titain and Laiavcttc_ n1i�L•lc�cl' <br />Replace existing si-an with new post and panel sign that measures 7114' long x 7 4" high <br />615 North 1,Udc gan Stre:l <br />South Bend, Indiana 466-01-99�6 <br />C--�hm1T R <br />