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INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />LEGAL DEPARTMENT <br />TO: Angie Jacob <br />Public Works <br />FROM: Aladean M. DeRose <br />Chief Assistant City Attorne <br />SUBJECT: Quit Claim Deed to Leo Trevino <br />DATE: July 21, 2000 <br />Attached for distribution to Mr. Trevino are the Quit Claim Deed to Leo Trevino <br />approved by the Board of Public Works at its meeting on July 17, 2000 together with <br />the Sales Disclosure Form. <br />Please note that the key number set forth in your letter to Mr. Trevino is <br />incorrect. The key number identified in your letter is 18-5029-1072.02. We have <br />confirmed that the correct key number is 18-5029-1072,01. Because the Quit Claim <br />Deed is correct, I simply wanted you to be aware of the discrepancy. <br />2. Buyer agrees to pay the purchase price and recording fee in full at the time of closing, <br />3. Buyer agrees to pay all title and abstract costs involved in said transaction which it <br />shall desire or request. <br />4. The conveyance of the aforementioned real properties is made so long as the lots are <br />not used as a building site for purposed of a new, single-family constriction site. <br />