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I 1� <br />The Grantee, its sucessors and assigns shall have the right to enter <br />along, over and upon said easement to repair, relocate, service and maintain <br />such "sanitary sewer", at will, and to make such alternations and improvements <br />in the facilities thereof as may be nece sary or useful, and to remove from <br />the extent of the right-of-way any encro thing trees, buildings or other obstruc- <br />tions to the free and unobstructed use o such easement, and to build and <br />maintain the necessary facility, inains, aterals, manholes and appurtenances <br />incident to such "sanitary sewer" and sh 11 have the right of ingress and': <br />egress only over adjoining premises and lands when necessary and without ding <br />damage to such adjoining lands, and only for temporary periods, and shall <br />not otherwise enter upon lands adjoining said easement. <br />' Grantee.covenants that, in the installation, maintenance or operation <br />of its "sanitary sewer" and appurtenance , under, upon, over and across said <br />tract of land in which perpetual easemen is hereby granted, it will restore <br />the area disturbed by its work to as near the original condition as is prac- <br />tical. The �, by and through •ids- cis <br />or its designee must approve surface restoration prior <br />to release of Contractor's Bond. Said approval will not be unreasonably withheld. <br />Grantors herein covenant for themselves, their grantees, sucessors <br />and assigns that they will not erect or maintain any building or other structure <br />or bstruction on or over said "sanitarysewer line" and appurtenances under <br />sal tract --of land -in which perpetual ri ht-of--way and easement ­is_ hereby <br />granted, except by express permission from the Grantee, in writing, and in <br />act rdance with the terms hereof, and which permission when in writing and <br />rec�rded shall run with the real estate. <br />A diagram map showing the route, courses and distances through the <br />premises and lands and width of easement is attached hereto and made a part <br />of his indenture by reference as Exhibit "A". <br />Grantors hereby covenant -that they are the Owners in fee simple of <br />sai real estate, are lawfully seized thereof and have a good right to grant <br />and convey the foregoining easements he in: that they guarantee the quiet- <br />posession thereof, that said real estat is free from any"and all encumberances <br />and that Grantors will warrant and defe d Grantee's title to said easement <br />against all lawful claims. <br />