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u <br />tat;3E��,',�;3 ID <br />cio - <br />I. GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENT dr <br />� 19 `� by and between <br />T}�IS INDEIVTURE made this day of G(joL c,?, <br />the 4 " � �'�1�, �� �?i�i_1 CI,i i n the County of St. Joseph) , State <br />of Ind�a, ii reinafter call "Grantors", and the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />by its Board of Works through its Chairman, hereinafter called "Grantee". <br />WITNESSETN: a <br />Tha for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein seta. <br />forth and other vauable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknow- <br />ledged, the Grantor for himself, herself, itself, themselves, his, her, their <br />administrator, sucessors and assigns does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey <br />and warrant unto the grantee, its grantees, sucessors and assigns, forever, <br />a perretua-! right--of-way and easement, with the right, priveleges and authority, <br />in Grantee, its grantees, sucessors and assigns, to enter upon, dig, lay, <br />erect, construct, install, -reconstruct, renew, and to operate; maintain, patrol, <br />replace, and continue a sanitary sewer line including but not limited thereto <br />of main, laterals, manholes and appartenances as part of the Grantee City's <br />sanitary sewer system and works for the collection of sanitary wastes of said <br />City, as shall be hereafter located and construction into, under, upon, over <br />and across the following described real estate and premises owned by the Grantors <br />and situated in the County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana, to -wilt: <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />PERMANENT EASEMENT A FEET IN WIDTH AND TEMPORARY CONSTRU TION <br />EASEMENT 2/J FEET IN WIDTH <br />C_ 'e <br />P4_11'111(tdt.eAuJ" �rtSit►c.�tA`-- <br />r( <br />r "� <br />1 <br />