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PROPERTY LEASE <br />Property: Sample Street Station (abandoned) Lease No: 2684 <br />Deed No: T-1465 <br />Plat No: 341 <br />Tits AGREEMENT made this day of N , 1998, by and between <br />Indiana Michigan Power Company, Lessor (hereinafter called the "Company") and <br />City of South Bend, Lessee, <br />1200 County -City Building, South Bend, Indiana 46601-1830 <br />Telephone (219) 235-9371. <br />WITNESSETH: The Company, in consideration of rents and covenants herein contained and <br />by said Lessee to be paid and performed, hereby leases to said Lessee the following described <br />property for VEHICLE PARKING purposes. Said property bein .335 acre situated in Portage <br />Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana,• being a part of Township 37 North, Range 2 East, <br />Section 11 City of South Bend Indiana hereinafter called "Leased Property"): <br />PROPERTY LEASED Is SHOWN AND DELINEATED ON EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART <br />OF THIS LEASE. <br />1. This Lease shall be for the term of one 1 year. commencing on the first da of <br />November, 1998 and ending the last day of October, 1999 and ear -to -year thereafter unless <br />canceled by either party as herein after provided. <br />2.. Rent: In lieu of cash consideration for this Lease, the Lessee hereby agrees to keep <br />and maintain the property in a clean and neat condition, more specifically as follows: For and in <br />consideration of Lessee faithfully performing and keeping the agreements, conditions, <br />restrictions, and covenants contained in this lease. . <br />Lessee acknowledges that the Company shall not be obligated to make any <br />improvements whatsoever to the real estate or facilities thereon. <br />NOTE: In all lease arrangements, the Lessee should not assume renewal is automatic. <br />Lessee shall not assign this Lease, or sublet the property. <br />4. The Lessee shall not cut or permit to be cut, any growing and/or marketable timber on <br />the leased property without the express written consent of the Company. <br />5. Lessee shall use and occupy the leased Property in a careful, safe, and lawful mariner; <br />and shall keep said property in good order and condition. Lessee shall not allow junk equipment, <br />machinery or vehicles, nor any construction debris, trash, timber, or litter of any type to <br />accumulate on the property. All personal property placed on the leased property shall be at the <br />sole risk of the Lessee. <br />Lease 2684 - City of South Bend <br />