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CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AND <br />WAIVER OF RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE <br />In consideration of permission to tap into the public sanitary <br />sewer system of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to provide sanitary <br />sewer service to the following described property, situated in St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana: <br />Key No. 01-1017-034033 <br />Lot Numbered Thirty-one (31) Dixie Gardens <br />Addition, Center Township, described as beginning <br />136.88 feet South of the South line of Johnson <br />Road, which South line of Johnson Road is 20 feet <br />South of the old Indiana boundary line at a point <br />163.85 feet East of the East line of Main Street; <br />thence continuing East parallel with the South line <br />of Johnson Road. 162.91 feet to the West line of <br />Michigan Street (U.S. 31); thence Southerly along <br />the West line of Michigan Street 100.17 feet; <br />thence West parallel with the South line of Johnson <br />Road 159.33 feet; thence North 100.05 feet to the <br />place of beginning, containing 0.37 acres, more or <br />less. <br />Lot Numbered Thirty-eight (38) Dixie Gardens <br />.Addition, Center Township, described as beginning <br />at a point on the East line of Main Street in <br />Center Township 136.88 feet South of the South line <br />of Johnson Road, which South line of Johnson Road <br />is 20 feet south of the old Indiana boundary line; <br />thence East parallel with said South line of <br />Johnson Road, 163.85 feet; thence Southerly 100.05 <br />feet to a point 160.01 feet East of the East line <br />of Main Street; thence West parallel with the South <br />line of Johnson Road 160.01 feet to the East line <br />of Main Street; thence Northerly along said East <br />line of Main Street 100 feet to the place of <br />beginning (hereinafter "Real Estate"). <br />St. Joseph County Farm Bureau, Inc., owner of the Real Estate, <br />(hereinafter "Owner"), for itself and its successors in title and <br />assigns, waive and release any and all right which it may now or <br />hereafter have to remonstrate against or otherwise object to, <br />interfere with, or oppose any pending or future annexation of the <br />Real Estate by the City of South Bend. <br />In further consideration and to induce the City of South Bend to <br />allow Owner to tap into the public sanitation sewer of the City of <br />South Bend, Owner, for itself and its successors and assigns agrees <br />hereby to vest in the City of South Bend the permanent right, at the <br />City's discretion, to annex the Real Estate at any future time by <br />duly authorized ordinance. <br />