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#2016- Deed; QUIT-CLAIM DEED 615 North Michigan Street, South Bend, IN 46601
Public Works
Board of Works Documents
Historical Deeds (Warranty/Quit-Claim/Dedications)
#2016- Deed; QUIT-CLAIM DEED 615 North Michigan Street, South Bend, IN 46601
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/12/2025 2:43:46 PM
Creation date
2/12/2025 2:43:24 PM
Board of Public Works
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pppppp� <br />limitation as to time: r v' , however, that such agreements and <br />covenants shall be binding on the Grantee itself, each successor in <br />interest to the Real Estate, and every part thereof, and each party in <br />possession or occupancy, respectively, only for the period as such <br />successor or party shall have title to, or an interest in, <br />Possession or occupancy of, the Real Estate or part thereof. The <br />terms "uses specified in the Plan" and "land use" referring to <br />Provisions of the Plan, or similar language, in this Deed shall <br />include the land and all buildings, housing, and other requirements or <br />restrictions of the Plan pertaining to such land. <br />SECTION IV. In amplification, and not in restriction, of the <br />provisions of this Deed, it is intended and agreed that the Grantor <br />and its successors and assigns shall be deemed beneficiaries of the <br />agreements and covenants provided herein, and the United States shall <br />be deemed a beneficiary of the covenants in clause (b) of Section III <br />hereof, both for and in their own right, and also for the purposes of <br />protecting the interest of the community and the other parties, public <br />or private, in whose favor or for whose benefit these agreements and <br />covenants have been provided. Such agreements and covenants shall run <br />in favor of the Grantor and the United States, for the entire period <br />during which such agreements and covenants shall be in force and <br />effect, without regard to whether the Grantor or the United States has <br />at any time been, remains, or is an owner of any land or interest <br />therein to, or in favor of, which such agreements and covenants <br />relate. The Grantor shall have the right in the event of any breach <br />of any such agreement or covenant, and the United States shall have <br />the right in the event of any breach of the covenant provided in <br />clause (b) of Section III hereof, to exercise all rights and remedies, <br />and to maintain any actions or suits at law or in equity or other <br />proper proceedings to enforce the curing of such breach of agreement <br />or covenant, to which it or any other beneficiaries of such agreement <br />or covenant may be entitled. <br />SECTION V. This Deed is also given subject to: <br />(a) Easements, Restrictions, and Agreements of record. <br />(b) Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions contained in the <br />Plan. <br />(c) Provisions of the zoning ordinances of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, insofar as they affect this real estate. <br />In the event any of the terms, conditions, <br />herein conflict with those contained in the <br />conditions, obligations and restrictions of <br />together as a whole, shall prevail. <br />4 <br />obligations or restrictions <br />Agreement, the terms, <br />the Agreement, when read <br />DULY ENTERIED FOR AXAT!0,1\1 <br />JOSE;-III F. Ni1011 <br />AUDIYOR <br />ST. jOS EPH Cv. 1NDIANA <br />
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