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do; or <br />(c) in violation of the Agreement or of this Deed, <br />transfer the Real Estate or any part thereof, or if <br />there is any change in the ownership or partnership <br />interests, or to the identity of the parties in <br />control of the Grantee or either of them or the <br />degree thereof, and such violation is not cured <br />within thirty (30) days after written demand by the <br />Grantor; <br />then the Grantor shall have the right to re-enter and take possession <br />of the Real Estate and to terminate and revest in the Grantor the <br />estate conveyed by this Deed to the Grantee, its assigns or successors <br />in interest. Such reversion of title shall, however, be subject to <br />the lien of any outstanding mortgage authorized by the Agreement. <br />SECTION III. The Grantee agrees for itself and its <br />successors and assigns to or of the Real Estate any part thereof, <br />hereinabove described, that the Grantee and such successors and <br />assigns shall -- <br />(a) devote the Real Estate to, and only to, and in <br />accordance with the uses specified in the Plan; <br />(b) not discriminate upon the basis of race, sex, <br />color, religion, or national origin in the sale, <br />lease or rental or in the use or occupancy of the <br />Property or any improvements erected or to be <br />erected thereon, or any part thereof. <br />It is intended and agreed that the above and foregoing <br />agreements and covenants shall be covenants running with the land; and <br />that they shall, in any event, and without regard to technical <br />classification or designation, legal or otherwise, and except only as <br />otherwise specifically provided in this Deed, be binding, to the <br />fullest extent permitted by law and equity, for the benefit and in <br />favor of, and enforceable by, the Grantor, its successors and assigns, <br />and the City, and any successor in interest to the Real Estate, or any <br />part thereof, and the owner of any other land or any interest in such <br />land in the Sample Ewing Development Area which is subject to the land <br />use requirements and restrictions of the Plan, and the United States <br />(in the case of the covenant in clause (b)) against the Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns, and every successor in interest to the Real <br />Estate, or any part thereof. It is further intended and agreed that <br />the agreement and covenant provided in clause (a) shall remain in <br />effect for the duration of the Plan, at the expiration of which such <br />agreement and covenant shall terminate, and the agreements and <br />covenants provided in clause (b) shall remain in effect without <br />3 DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION <br />JOSEPH F. NAGY <br />AUDITOR <br />ST. JOSEPH CO. INDIANA <br />