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Members of the Common Council <br />Page Three <br />August 5, 1981 <br />Government will not formally be released for expenditure <br />until January 1. The implementation of each activity <br />will, therefore, begin on January 1 and end on December 31, <br />coinciding with all other City operations. I believe that <br />this will greatly enhance our ability to monitor this <br />activity and to effect performance consistent with the <br />desires of the Department of Housing and Urban Development <br />and the City of South Bend through the Common Council and <br />City Administration. <br />By taking advantage of certain fund balances which exist in various line <br />items, and by utilizing a certain portion of the 1981 Unspecified Local <br />Option, all accounts can be adequately readjusted to initiate the <br />annualized budget program. The transfer ordinance before you in the <br />amount of $291,782 and $218,938 of the appropriation ordinance, also <br />before you, will serve to implement this process. I am available to <br />discuss this and any related items with you at your convenience. <br />Very t m y yours G /��� <br />atrick M. McMahon <br />PMMCM:amc <br />Attachments <br />cc: Joseph Kernan <br />Mayor Roger 0. Parent <br />