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Members of the Common Council <br />Page Two <br />August 5, 1981 <br />Should, for some reason, we be unsuccessful in our <br />application process, we will delete these monies <br />from this ordinance when it comes before the Council <br />for second reading and public hearing. <br />2. Annualization of the Budgets for Federal Programs. <br />As you are aware, the program years for our federally <br />funded agencies begin in July of each calendar year <br />and then extend for approximately 18 months prior to <br />reprogramming of any unspent funds. The process and <br />the mechanism by which these funds have been handled <br />in the past create, by their very nature, a number of <br />problems: <br />a. The normal fiscal controls exercised by the <br />Controller's Office are not in place, nor can <br />they be easily adapted to an 18 -month over- <br />lapping fiscal year arrangement. <br />b. The monitoring of performance due to the multi- <br />year funding and associated overlaps is difficult, <br />if not impossible in many instances. <br />c. Delays are often incurred in the approval of the <br />C. D. program and level of funding for any given <br />year on a state and national level, thereby <br />creating a number of uncertainties in the months <br />of June, July and August. <br />d. In that the program is approved in its final form <br />only on or about July 1, there is little if no <br />lead time available to either City agencies or non- <br />profit agencies utilizing program funds to do the <br />necessary background preparation necessary to im- <br />plement a program. The start -up of the various <br />programs has, therefore, lagged in certain in- <br />stances two, three, and four months behind the <br />actual release date. <br />In order to correct these fiscal, monitoring, and implementa- <br />tion problems, it is proposed that the City shift the federal <br />programs into an annualized budget and program year. The <br />effect of the proposed changes will be that those monies <br />approved by the Common Council in the formal program review <br />in the Spring of a given year, and the subsequent release <br />of funds on or about July 1 of said year by the Federal <br />