is re
<br />the buildings, if any, thereon for the benefit of the Seller against loss by fire ant! other hazards generally
<br />del exter)(ted coverage erld(1rSCr)lent, in an amount not less than the unpaid sule price herein, vial in a company or
<br />Pnies approved by the Seller and deposit said poticy or policies with the Seller and pay the premiums thereon rrs the same
<br />became due.
<br />If the Buyer fails to take out or pay for insurance provided for herein or to make arty payment of taxes or assessments
<br />herein provided for him to pay, the Seller may. without notice, pay the same when dire arid add such amount to the nr[nc[nrtt
<br />�...rid••�-•��<r-.° s��/r bear i,lv,est from rile date of payment ac site rate and in the manner provided for other
<br />o/r%t, `o,[rru1r.
<br />principal of this contract, provided that the exercise of this right of Payment by the Seller on any occasion shall not Utaive his
<br />right to declare a termination of this contract for failure to perform the same for any future failure to pay, nor shall any payment
<br />or payments thus made by Seller constitute an estoppel to declare a forfeiture of this contract for a subsequent failure to pay
<br />any other payment required of Buyer to be paid:
<br />3. shrill maintain the lawn and shrubbery in good condition and keep all iniprovenrents in good repair;
<br />4. situ!l not use said premises or permit said premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or purposes that will injure
<br />the reputation of the same or depreciate the vulue thereof;
<br />5. shall neither assign) this contract nor let said premises or any part thereof, nor remove nor alter any buildings thereon
<br />without first procuring Me turillen consent of the Seller; however, if the Seller upproves the trssignrnent of this contract, the
<br />Seller shill be remunerated only for the cost of obtaining satisfactory credit information or) the assignee;
<br />6. shall not violate any of the restrictions, conditions, or covenants to be contained in file deed of the Seller as hereinafter
<br />provided and which restrictions, conditions, and covenants are hereby made effective from the date of this agreement;
<br />7. -a rid shall permit the Seller during all reasonable hours, to go upon the premises for the purpose of inspecting the same;
<br />Then and in that event and, at the tinge of the final payment, the Seller agrees to execute and deliver to the Buyer a good and
<br />sufficient warranty deed conveying said premises to the Buyer in fee simple, subject, nevertheless, to all taxes, assessments and other
<br />charges described in clause (1) above and those falling due thereafter; to all liens or incurnbrances thereon created or suffered by the Buyer;
<br />to Zoning rcguluttons now or hereafter imposed thereon; to all restrictions, conditions and covenants now of record affecting either the
<br />alienability or the use of said premises; and to the following restrictions, conditions and/or covenants:
<br />At ths: line of tine delivery of the deed, the Seller further agrees to deliver to grantee herein warned an abstract of litle prepared
<br />by ar, abstract e'urnpeucy maintaining an udequute till,! plant rrs &.finerl by the Indians, Title Assoc•iaiion, or whose abstracts ar.gencrally
<br />aecclrlcd by financial ins6lutiorts turd allorneys litho art, members of the St. Joseph ('ounly liar Association, which abstract shall be
<br />cerri/ird lu a !lute as near the liw,l closing as reuso,ubly+possible and urhic•h abstract shall discluscr a:rraa[•< tl( t, itttle in tr e• eruye, atte lnny
<br />� �.�.• .. .. � :r. r a. rc. «.nie•/. ti'ufr.-r'.. •r. -.•.r :�+ [u Gee . niter Zell lrc[ nn /.ur..•i <. �ruui.r.�.l. Sat1..•r /.•r
<br />lime prior to final payment of Ilse purchase price of this property shall reluesi hint to deliver such abstract continued to that dale to Lite
<br />Bayer for examination, he shall do so, and Seller shall not thereafter be required to have said abstract continued at his expense. When
<br />said abstract is delivered to the Brryer•, he shall have a reasonable time to have the abstract examined by an attorney; and, if the examination
<br />of the abstract should disclose arty defects in the title of said real estate which render the title 1101 merchantable, the Buyer shall furnish
<br />the Seller iviih a written copy of such objections, and the Seller shall then have a reasonable lime to have such defects removed or have
<br />the title quieted ugainsl such defcets.
<br />Interest, at the erad of earl, sermi-annual period, shall be added to the unpaid balance of the sale price existing at the commencement
<br />of such period. From tile total thus obtained shall be deducted till payrnenls made hereunder on account of principal and interest to the
<br />Seller diming such period and the remainder shall stand as the unpaid balance for the next succeeding serni-annual period.
<br />'Time is of the essence of this contract. Should the Buyer fail to perform any of the acts and/or fail to snake any of the payments
<br />herein to be done or rnadc by the Buyer promptly and al the time stipulated therefor, then all payments made hereunder prior to such
<br />default shall be forfeited to the Seller as and for liquidated damages for the use and occupancy of the premises to the dale of default and
<br />Seller shall thereupon be relieved from rill liability hereunder to the Buyer. Immediately upon default, and without demand or notice,
<br />rite Buyer agrees that he will surrender to the Seller peaceable and immediate possession of said premises together with all improvements
<br />thereon. In Cite event of the failure of Buyer to surrender possession of said properly to Seller in case of such default, Buyer agrees that
<br />proof of notice ire wriling served upon him personally, delivered to tiny person on said premises, or affixed to a conspicuous prat of said
<br />premises liftven (15) days before the filing of suit in any court having jurisdiction over said real estule shall be suffirieni demand for
<br />the forfeiture of said premises and cancellation of this contract to warrant such court to assure Jurisdiction of such suit. Ill determining,[
<br />rile question of delinquency of the Buyer in discharge of his obligation to snake monthly payments hereunder or any other payments required
<br />of hills to be made, the total of such paynranls 'node by the Buyer shall be credited as against the total of his obligations to the dale of
<br />determination to ascertain if there is, and the amount of, the delinquency. In the event of default, the rights of action of the Seller are
<br />to an action for possession of the real estate and the improvements thereon, together with damages for the withholding
<br />expressly limited
<br />thereof and for waste or damage done thereto and for court costs and attorneyfees in obtaining possession of said premises.
<br />'s
<br />payments in excess of those stated herein or the entire unpaid balance with interest computed to dote may be paid lit any time
<br />without penalty. I9
<br />possession hereunder shall be given by the Seller to the Buyer on lite day of
<br />Clauses letterer! A , B , C , D
<br />are hereby incorporated in and made a purl of this c•ontracl.
<br />The parties agree that the provisions of this contract shall be binding upon, apply to and inure to the benefit of their respective
<br />heirs, successors and assigns.
<br />In Witness Whereof the parties have signed, scaled and delivered this agreement in duplicate counter -parts each of
<br />which shall be an original, the day and year first above written.
<br />C �Aa/ '
<br />_TRRE ME
<br />LYN. REAMER -
<br />Sellers
<br />Buyers
<br />Malcolm J. Tuesle.y, Jr_, 214 Lafayette B_l�_, South Bend,- IN
<br />This insnrumenl was prepared by ..
<br />!<lem6er o/ St. JosepR Cotu,ty Indiana Dar Assnciarion
<br />