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BEs;N PREPARED 13Y TI-IE BAR <br />_SCTION OF A FORM OF CONTRACT. FILLING IN BLANK SPACES. STRIKING OUT PROVISIONS, iNStr����r� v, <br />IPPOW21 <br />EPARATION OF ASSIGNMENTS THEREOI' CONS-TI'I'UTE THE PRACTICE OF LAW AND SHOULD BE DONE 13Y AN ATTORNEY. <br />Al I <br />This eontraCt, made the day of January , 19 90, between <br />EVERETT L. HOLT <br />of S t . Joseph County, State of Indiana, hereinafter referred to as "Seller", and <br />TRENT REAMER and LYNN REAMER, husband and wife <br />of S t . Joseph County, State of Indiana, hereinafter referred to as "Buyer". <br />W i t n e s s e t h : In consideration of the acts and payments of the Buyer, and subject to the conditions <br />hereinafter set forth, the Seller agrees to sell and convey to the Buyer the following described real estate <br />ill St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, to -wit: <br />ti <br />A lot or parcel of land in -the Northwest Quarter ('/4) of <br />the Northeast Quarter (114) of Section Numbered 29, Town - <br />Numbered 37 North, Range Numbered 2 Fast. bounded <br />by a line running as follows, viz: Beginning at a point <br />881 feet South and 695 feet East of the Northwest corner <br />of the Northeast Quarter (11,) of said Section Numbered 29; <br />thence East 149 feet; thence South 71 feet; thence West <br />149 feet; thence North 71 feet to the place of beginning; <br />and being known as the South 71 feet of Lot Numbered 31 as <br />shown on the unrecorded Plat of Dollar Lake First Subdivi- <br />sion in Green Township. <br />j � 1 <br />Recorded <br />1'11c ��rlicracJrrourledges the rererpt of Eight Hundred ----------------- <br />t 800 . 00 ) Dollars, as (lie initial payment on the sale price of Twenty-three Thousand - - - - - - - <br />($ 2 3, 000 .0 0) Dollars. <br />if the Bayer shall pay to the Seller at 3 <br />or at such other place as the Seller may in writing front time to time direct, not less than the Stan of Two Hundred <br />Seventy-seven and 95/ 100 ($ 277 .95 ) Dollars on the 5th day of each consecutive month <br />contrnencing an the 5 t h day of February 1990 , until the said sale price, together ivith interest <br />thereon at. -Ten- ( 10 °;o ) percenturn perannurn computed semi-annually, is fully paid; and if, <br />ttritil final payment is made hereunder, the Buyer <br />1. shall pay when clue the S p r i n g installment of the 199 0 taxes on said premises becoming due and payable in <br />19 and all taxes becoming due and payable thereafter; the follotuirrg special assessments on said land, to -wit: <br />and all special assessnlerlts hereafter levied thereon; and all other charges of any kind not created or suffered by the Seller that <br />may be hercalter levied or assessed against said premises; evidence of paymerlt so made shall be presented to the Seller on <br />or before the first payment date after such payments become clue; <br />