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VI. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS <br />The Engineer shall at all times observe and comply <br />with all laws, ordinances and regulations of the <br />federal, state, local and City government, which <br />may in any manner affect the performance of the <br />Contract. <br />VII. CONFLICT OF INTEREST <br />No member of the governing body of the City or other <br />unit of government and no other officer, employee, <br />or agent of the City or other unit of government who <br />exercises any functions or responsibilities in con- <br />nection with the carrying out of the project to <br />which this Contract pertains, shall have any personal <br />interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract. <br />The Engineer covenants that he presently has no <br />interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct <br />or indirect, in the project to which this Contract <br />pertains which would conflict in any manner or de- <br />gree with the performance of his services hereunder. <br />The Engineer further covenants that in the perfor- <br />mance of this Contract no person having any such <br />interest shall be employed. <br />VIII.INSURANCE <br />The Engineer will purchase and maintain during the <br />life of this Contract insurance coverage which will <br />satisfactorily insure him against claims and lia- <br />bilities which could arise because of the execution <br />of this Contract. The insurance coverages provided <br />are as follows: <br />A. Workmen's Compensation insurance covering the <br />Engineer for any and all claims which may arise <br />against the Engineer because of the Indiana Work- <br />men's Compensation Act. The Employer's Liability <br />Section of the Workmen's Compensation policy shall <br />have a limit of not less than $100,000.00. <br />B. Comprehensive General Liability insurance pro- <br />tecting the Engineer against any and all Public <br />Liability claims which may arise in the course of <br />performance of this Contract. The limits of lia- <br />bility Bodily Injury coverage will be not less <br />than $250,000.00 per person, including death, and <br />$500,000.00 per occurrence. The Property Damage <br />limits of liability shall not be less than <br />$250,000.00 per occurrence with an aggregate of <br />not less than $500,000.00. <br />5 <br />