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B. For any additional soils investigations which <br />during the development of the project are con- <br />sidered necessary by the Owner, the negotiated <br />cost of an agreement with a soils firm and as <br />approved by the Owner. <br />C. For additional services and resident inspection <br />during construction, the Engineer shall be paid <br />the direct labor costs of the personnel assigned <br />plus indirect costs of 1.75 times the direct <br />costs. (The attached Appendix A sets forth the <br />ranges of hourly rates for professional, tech- <br />nical and clerical employees of the Engineer as <br />may be applicable to this project.) If extra- <br />ordinary expenses are incurred by the Engineer, <br />they shall be directly reimbursed if authorized <br />by the Owner. <br />D. Method of Payment <br />The Engineer shall submit to the Owner once each <br />month a Progress Report and invoice for amount <br />or percentage of the work performed in the pre- <br />vious month. The fee payable upon completion <br />of the design work shall be eighty -five percent <br />(85%) of the total fee. The review of shop <br />drawings, and general administration services <br />shall constitute the remaining fifteen percent <br />(15%) of the fee. <br />V. NON - DISCRIMINATION <br />The Engineer agrees that in performing under this <br />Contract he shall not discriminate against any worker, <br />employee or applicant, or any member of the public, <br />because of race, creed, color, or national origin <br />nor otherwise commit an unfair labor practice. The <br />Engineer further agrees that this clause will be in- <br />corporated in all Contracts entered into with sup- <br />pliers of materials or services, contractors and sub- <br />contractors and all labor organizations furnishing <br />skilled, unskilled and craft union skilled labor, or <br />who may perform any such labor or services in con- <br />nection with this Contract. <br />4 <br />