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alcoholic beverage gallonage excise tax funds, or Federal revenue - <br />sharing grants, or to the submittal of other applications and forms <br />which are mere formal prerequisites of receiving funds allocated to <br />the City. <br />Section 2 -24 through 2 -49. Reserved. <br />SECTION IV. Chapter 2, Article 5 of the South Bend <br />Municipal Code is deleted in its entirety, and a new Article 5 is <br />enacted as follows: <br />ARTICLE 5. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />Section 2 -50. Boards of Public Safety and Public Works. <br />(a) A Board of Public Safety and a Board of Public Works are <br />continued and shall have such powers and exercise such functions as <br />provided by state law. <br />Section 2 -51. Area Plan Commission. <br />(a) The provisions of Indiana Code 36 -7 -4 -100 et <br />seq. pertaining to area planning are adopted. <br />(b) The Area Planning Department, established effective <br />January 1, 1965, is continued. <br />(c) There shall be seven representatives from the City <br />to the Area Plan Commission, as follows: <br />(1) A member of the Board of Public Works, to be <br />selected by the Mayor; <br />(2) A member of the Common Council, to be selected by <br />the Council; <br />(3) Five (5) citizen members appointed by the Mayor. <br />(d) The term of the five (5) citizen members shall be for <br />four (4) years, with terms expiring on January 1. A member may be <br />reappointed. The member of the Board of Public Works and the member <br />of the Council shall serve on the Commission at the pleasure of the <br />Mayor and Council respectively. <br />(e) The resources of the Area Planning Department shall be <br />used by the executive departments of the City in the development of <br />projections and plans within their respective areas of responsi- <br />bility. <br />Section 2 -52. Civic Center Board of Managers. <br />The South Bend Civic Center Board of Managers, a board of <br />managers for the purpose of supervising, managing, operating, and <br />maintaining Century Center and its programs, is hereby continued, <br />pursuant to IC 36- 10 -2 -5. <br />Section 2 -53. Energy Conservation Commission. <br />(a) Legislative findings. The South Bend Common Council <br />hereby finds that a strong energy conservation program is needed to <br />meet the present and future energy needs of our community. <br />(b) Establishment. It is hereby declared that the <br />establishment of an Energy Conservation Commission is in the public <br />interest of the City of South Bend. <br />(c) Composition. The Commission shall be composed of <br />fifteen (15) members, nine (9) of whom shall be appointed by the <br />Council, and six (6) of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor. The <br />Commission shall be broadly representative of the community. Each <br />member shall have either a professional interest or background in the <br />area or have a sincere interest in the goals and objectives of <br />energy conservation. <br />H <br />