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Administrator or appropriate enforcement official as provided by <br />applicable law to enforce the terms and provisions of this Ordinance. <br />(4) If a person who is served with a citation fails to either correct the violation or take <br />such actions to come into compliance within ten (10) days as set forth in sub- <br />Section (3), above, then the South Bend City Attorney, Zoning Administrator or <br />appropriate enforcement official may institute legal action in a court of competent <br />jurisdiction to enforce the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, including, but <br />not limited to: assessment and collection of fines as provided for below; or, the <br />pursuit of injunctive and other equitable relief and remedies available under <br />Indiana law. <br />(5) Fines <br />The monetary fine for the first citation for a zoning violation under this Sec. <br />21-198 shall be one-hundred dollars ($100.00). The following monetary fines <br />shall apply for each subsequent day that the zoning violation remains uncorrected: <br />Second Day Minimum $100, not to exceed $150.00. <br />Third Day Minimum $100, not to exceed $200.00. <br />Fourth Day Minimum $100, not to exceed $250.00. <br />Fifth Day Minimum $100, not to exceed $300.00. <br />Additional Days Minimum $100, not to exceed an increase of <br /> $300.00 per day in the previously assessed <br /> monetary fine for each day that the zoning violation <br /> remains uncorrected, to a maximum monetary fine <br /> for each zoning violation not to exceed two- <br /> thousand five-hundred dollars ($2,500.00) per day <br /> that the zoning violation remains uncorrected. <br />(6) All fines prescribed by this Sec. 21-198 shall be paid to the City Building <br />Department, who shall render to the person making the payment a receipt stating <br />the amount and purpose for which the fine has been paid, a duplicate of which <br />shall be made a part of the records of the City. All fines thus received shall be <br />deposited with the applicable fund for fines of the City Building Department. <br />(7) If a person who receives a citation fails to: <br />(A) pay the assessed fine within seven (7} days after: <br />i. the issuance of a citation; or, <br />ii. the date upon which the fine accrued; <br />(B) file a petition as prescribed in Sec. 21-198 (3) (A) or (B), above; or, <br />18 <br />