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13City of South Bend - Madison Lifestyle District Phase I Parking Garage CMc <br />Submitted by: Garmong Construction <br />GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE> <br />Garmong’s recommendation would be to establish a <br />Guaranteed Maximum Price on the basis of Cost plus <br />a Fee. When coupled with an “open-book” accounting <br />practice, a Cost plus GMP allows the City to benefit <br />from a fixed cost, scope of work, and schedule while <br />also gaining transparency into how dollars are being <br />spent not available in other contract arrangements. <br />The Cost plus contract requires the CM to only spend <br />project dollars on costs required to complete the <br />building, and then return 100% of the unspent funds to <br />the City at the complete of the work. <br />Garmong believes that the best time to establish <br />the GMP is after bids are received and bidders are <br />entirely “scoped.” <br />At the beginning of the design cycle, there are high <br />contingency rates to mitigate risk due to the lack of <br />detailed design information and unforeseen market <br />conditions affecting construction costs. As time and the <br />design continues (from left to right), the scope becomes <br />more defined, and the required contingency rates can <br />be reduced, affording more of the total budget towards <br />the project scope rather than mitigating risk. <br />If, for example, a Guaranteed Maximum Price was set <br />during the Design Development phase, the amount of <br />contingency included to mitigate design and market <br />risks might result in the need to cut scope from design <br />to stay within budget. On the other hand, once the <br />bids are received, the contingencies are reduced to <br />their lowest rates allowing more project scope to be <br />included in the total budget. <br />The best value for an Owner to set the Guaranteed <br />Maximum Price after bids are received. At this point <br />in the project life cycle, firm proposals have been <br />received for the Project, and there is no longer the <br />need to mitigate the risk of not having the actual costs. <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS> <br />Our approach to managing the general conditions <br />is centered upon clear definitions and transparency. <br />General conditions reimbursements can sometimes <br />be contentious if there isn’t a clear understanding <br />of expectations. Therefore, at the beginning of the <br />project, Garmong will define the reimbursable budget <br />in a detailed manner and share that information with <br />the Owner and their team. <br />We believe that the CM should provide anything that <br />will be used by multiple tier one contractors. This <br />approach avoids “double-buying” and the added <br />expense of contractor markup for items that many <br />different contractors will use. This would include project <br />management software, job site fencing, dumpsters, <br />restroom facilities, progress cleaning, etc. Any items <br />specific to a single tier one contractor would be written <br />into those contracts. Examples include hoisting, tool/ <br />material storage, surveying/layout, scaffolding, etc. <br />We would also handle the procurement of general <br />conditions by securing multiple quotes to provide the <br />Owner with competitive pricing. <br />PROJECT CLOSEOUT> <br />Project closeout is one of the most critical phases of <br />the construction process. Ultimately, how we finish the <br />project is how we will be remembered. The generation <br />of a punch list is no small task. The City of South Bend, <br />the architect, and Garmong will spend a lot of time <br />walking through the building, ensuring the finished <br />product meets expectations. Garmong believes two <br />critical milestones must happen to make the walk- <br />through productive. <br />The building must be ready to punch. This means not <br />forcing a punch list to happen to maintain a schedule. <br />We want this effort to be a good punch list, not a <br />completion list. Garmong must have completed our <br />punch list before the architect’s punch list. We believe <br />this is a critical step to ensure “obvious” deficiencies <br />are corrected before the walk-through, and the number <br />of actual punch list items is limited. <br />PROJECT APPROACH