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WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Urban Enterprise Association of South <br />Bend, Indiana, Inc. (hereinafter, the BOARD) has expressed its continued commitment <br />to its mission of increasing the number of jobs in the ZONE by the retention and <br />expansion of existing businesses and the attraction and development of new businesses <br />and improving the quality of life of ZONE residents, improving ZONE residents <br />employability, and filling ZONE jobs with ZONE residents; and <br />WHEREAS, the BOARD has caused the development and creation of a five year <br />strategic plan reviewing the history of the Enterprise Association of South Bend, <br />Indiana, Inc. and its past and ongoing activities in the ZONE and to guide its <br />activities within the ZONE over the next five years; and <br />WHEREAS, the BOARD by resolution dated September 15, 1993, approved a proposed <br />modification of the boundaries of the ZONE and authorized the filing of a resolution <br />with the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, seeking the approval of <br />the Common Council and Mayor of the City of South Bend to such boundary modification; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the BOARD has caused this completion of an application for renewal of <br />the ZONE with said boundary modification; and <br />WHEREAS, after proper advertising of the same pursuant to I.C. 5- 3- 1 -2(b) the <br />BOARD conducted a public hearing on September 15, 1993 to discuss the history of the <br />urban Enterprise Association of South Bend, Indiana, Inc., its progress, and said <br />five year strategic plan and the proposed boundary modification described herein; and <br />WHEREAS, having considered the same and the comments of the public received at <br />said public hearing, the BOARD determined that said five year strategic plan provides <br />a clear and proper perspective of the past work of the Urban Enterprise Association <br />of South Bend, Indiana, Inc. within the ZONE and sets forth appropriate strategy and <br />gives appropriate guidance to the BOARD concerning its activities in the ZONE over <br />the next five years and that it is in the best interest of the ZONE, the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, and the businesses and residents in the ZONE, and approved and <br />adopted said five year strategic plan; and <br />WHEREAS, considered the same and the comments of the public received at said <br />public hearing, the BOARD determined that it is in the best interest of the ZONE, the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, and the businesses and residents in the ZONE, and <br />approved the application for renewal of the Enterprise Zone designation, with such <br />boundary modification as was approved by the BOARD by resolution dated September 15, <br />1993; and <br />WHEREAS, having considered the same and the comments of the public received at <br />said public hearing, the BOARD determined that it is in the best interest of the <br />ZONE, the City of South Bend, Indiana, and the businesses and residents in the ZONE, <br />and approved the application for renewal of the Enterprise Zone designation, with <br />such boundary modification as was approved by the BOARD by resolution dated September <br />15, 1993; and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, has reviewed <br />said five year strategic plan, a true and complete copy of which is attached hereto, <br />and has determined that certain community and economic development incentives are <br />available within the ZONE, with such boundary modification as was approved by the <br />BOARD, and that it is in the best interests of the City of South Bend, the ZONE and <br />the residents and businesses within the ZONE, that the application for renewal, as <br />approved by the BOARD, and all supporting documentation, be submitted to the Indiana <br />Urban Enterprise Association or its review and evaluation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. That the following community and economic development incentives are among <br />those available within the ZONE. <br />A. Loans to businesses through the City of South Bend's Industrial <br />Revolving Loan Fund. <br />B. The availability of tax increment to the City of South Bend Department <br />of Redevelopment for use throughout the Sample -Ewing Development Area, a <br />redevelopment area within the boundaries of which the ZONE IS located, for <br />financing local public improvements in or serving the Sample -Ewing Development <br />Area. <br />C. The availability of real and personal property tax abatement for <br />industrial, institutional and warehousing development within the ZONE. <br />D. The targeting of Community Development Block Grant funds by the City of <br />South Bend to assist in funding the operations of the Southeast and Rum Village <br />Partnership centers, cooperative efforts of the City of South Bend and affected <br />neighborhood organizations to provide a focus for neighborhood planning and <br />improvement activities. <br />E. The provision of staff services by the City of South Bend to the <br />Neighborhood Resource and Technical Services Corporation, an Indiana not -for- <br />profit corporation targeting urban neighborhoods, including the South East and <br />Rum Village neighborhoods and neighborhood associations located within the ZONE <br />for technical and other support. <br />2. That the five year strategic plan, a true and complete copy of which is <br />