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14, 1986, revised as of July 16, 1993, stating, in part, that modification of an <br />Enterprise zone will not be considered without approval of such request by the Urban <br />Enterprise Association, Mayor and City Council of the City within whose borders the <br />Enterprise Zone is located; and <br />WHEREAS, application has been made to modify the Enterprise Zone located within <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana (hereinafter, the "Zone "), to include within the Zone <br />certain parcels of real estate and to delete from the Zone certain other parcels of <br />real estate, all as described at Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the parcels of real estate described at Exhibit "B" comprise property <br />that is suitable for the redevelopment of commercial, industrial and residential <br />activities and that is compatible with the goals and objectives of the five -year <br />strategic plan of the Urban Enterprise Association of South Bend, Indiana, Inc., and <br />that the inclusion of said properties is an appropriate modification of the boundary <br />of the Enterprise Zone located within the City of South Bend, Indiana; and <br />WHEREAS, the specific parcels to be deleted from the Zone, as described at <br />Exhibit "B ", and the justification for such deletions are specified in the five -year <br />strategic plan of the Urban Enterprise Association of South Bend, Indiana, Inc; and <br />WHEREAS, the Urban Enterprise Association of South Bend, Indiana, Inc., has <br />approved the request for this boundary modification at a public meeting held on <br />September 15, 1993. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />Section I. That the request for modification of the Enterprise Zone located <br />within the City of South Bend, Indiana, which modification would modify the existing <br />Enterprise Zone to include certain parcels of real property as described at Exhibit <br />"B" hereto, and to delete certain other parcels of real estate described at Exhibit <br />"B ", hereto, thereby modifying the boundaries of the Enterprise Zone located within <br />South Bend, Indiana, to those defined at Exhibit "D ", hereto, shall be and hereby is <br />approved. <br />Section II. That the demographic and economic impacts of the proposed boundary <br />modification, as detailed in the boundary modification justification application, <br />attached hereto as Exhibit "C," shall be and hereby are accepted. <br />Section III. That the boundary modification justification application attached <br />hereto as Exhibit "C," shall be and hereby is approved and accepted. <br />Section IV. That this Resolution Constitutes the approval of the request for <br />modification of the urban Enterprise Zone by the Council and Mayor of the City within <br />which the zone in question is located, as required by the policy guidelines <br />established by the Indiana Enterprise Association of South Bend, Indiana, Inc., to <br />submit an application recommending an enterprise zone boundary modification to the <br />Indiana Enterprise Zone Board. <br />Section V. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2072 -93 <br />/s/ Stephen Luecke <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, ADOPTING A FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN, <br />IDENTIFYING THOSE COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />INCENTIVES AVAILABLE IN THE ENTERPRISE ZONE LOCATED IN SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AND AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION TO THE INDIANA <br />URBAN ENTERPRISE ZONE BOARD AND STATE BUDGET COMMITTEE OF AN <br />APPLICATION FOR THE RENEWAL OF THE ENTERPRISE ZONE LOCATED <br />IN SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />WHEREAS, the State of Indiana has enacted I.C. 4- 4 -6.1, allowing certain areas <br />within Indiana to be designated as "Enterprise Zone" areas and entitling property <br />owners therein to certain benefits (as provided by law), from time to time; and] <br />WHEREAS, a certain area within the City of South Bend, Indiana has been so <br />designated as an Enterprise Zone, effective as of January 1, 1984, said area modified <br />effective as of May, 1989; and <br />WHEREAS, said designation terminates effective December 31, 1993; and <br />WHEREAS, the State of Indiana has provided a mechanism to allow for the renewal <br />of areas designated as Enterprise Zones; and <br />WHEREAS, the Urban Enterprise Association of South Bend, Indiana, Inc. <br />throughout its existence has been engaged in and has undertaken a number of programs <br />and operations in and serving businesses and residents located within the Enterprise <br />Zone located within South Bend, Indiana (hereinafter, the "ZONE "), and continues to <br />operate, supervise and conduct various such programs and operations; and <br />