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2 <br />Energy Solutions <br />For Every Need <br />City of South Bend, IN | Department of Public Works | RFQ Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract <br />3. Company Background and Qualifications <br />a. Provide a statement about company mission, vision, and values. <br />b. Describe the complete range of utility services and capabilities your firm offers: such as engineering, design, auditing, <br />energy equipment selection and installation, operation and maintenance, commissioning, monitoring and verification, and <br />training. <br />c. List any awards and accreditations. If you are not nationally-accredited as an ESCO, explain why. <br />d. Provider’s Engineering Qualifications and Management, including experience working in Indiana <br />e. The most recent audited Financial Report. <br />f. The Provider must be certified and meet the requirements of IC 4-13.6-4 and the RFQ submitted must attach a copy of the <br />firm's certification of qualification issued under IC 4-13.6-4. <br />g. Describe if the Provider is a manufacturer, contractor, or engineering firm. Clearly delineate what services or products the <br />Provider is including from their own company as part of the project. <br />4. Financial Qualifications <br />a. Describe your ability to provide adequate liability insurance <br />b. Attach the two most recent financial reports <br />c. Provide amount of total outstanding guarantees <br />d. Attach letter of reference of two subcontractors <br />e. Disclose any relationships with financial institutions <br />5. Technical Approach <br />a. Describe your firm’s general approach to guaranteed energy savings contracting <br />b. Describe the business unit dedicated to performance contracting <br />c. Attach summaries of four projects completed <br />6. Project Management Approach <br />a. Describe how you will manage the project <br />b. Provide a sample timeline <br />c. Identify which portions of the project you intend to implement with subcontractors <br />d. Explain how you intend to comply with City Ordinance 14.5 <br />7. Measurement & Verification <br />a. Methodologies used to calculate baseline utility consumption. <br />b. Methodologies likely to be used to verify annual savings. <br />c. Firm’s approach to accounting for equipment or operational changes <br />d. Measurement and Verification Plan and Annual Savings Report <br />8. Financial Guarantees <br />Appendix: <br />Appendix A: Cashflow and Pricing Inclusions and Exclusions <br />Appendix B: Helioscope & Solar Regression M and V Plan <br />Appendix C: Affidavit, Indiana Certification/NAESCO Certification, and Resumes <br />Appendix D Letter of Bonding Ability & Certificate of Insurance <br />Appendix E: Subcontractor Letters of Reference <br />Appendix F: Project Summaries <br />Appendix G: Recent Measurement and Verification Reports <br />2 | Table of Contents