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REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 27, 2000 <br />corporation of the City of South Bend iii the form of those who live within the City limits. <br />This being the time heretofore set for. the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents an <br />opponents were given an opportunity to e heard. <br />Mr. James LaFree, St. Joseph Farm Bureau President, 1$590 Madison Road, South Bend, Indiana, <br />advised that presently at the Farm Bureau office they do have a City 'sewer but do not have City <br />water. He inquired about a contract, which he has in which they paid twenty -five thousand dollars <br />($25,000.00) to get the sewer to that location. He noted that they were in the County at that time but <br />are now in the City and wondered if they were still going to get their reimbursement if anyone ties <br />onto that sewer. According to his contract they have fifteen (11 5) years. Mr. LaFree read a portion <br />of the contract which was written in 1992 and asked if this contract still stands. <br />Councilmember Ujdak asked Mr. Gilot to comri ent on Mr. LaFree's concerns. <br />Mr. Gilot stated that he is not familiar with the details of this particular agreement but he can state <br />for the record that the City. will honor'tlie term`s of any `reiinburseihoiit contracts that the City has <br />entered into for' the entire term of fifteen (15) years. Mr. Gilot noted that he is not sii e if any of <br />these parcels would have the alternative of hooking into the sewer that Mr. LaFree has referred to <br />versus the sewer that the City is proposing. <br />Mr. Leroy Edgewater, 5602 South Main Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that lie is in the same <br />general area of Farm Bureau Insurance and is curious to Bear where they stand with the annexation <br />and whether they are honoring the agreeriient that was offered with Farm Bureau or if they have to <br />hook up with the proposed sewer. He asked if the linear rate applies to him. Also, when Farm <br />Bureau put in their City sewer, the Way tl.6 proposal was written is that the property owners along <br />that area will have the opportunrty`to tie in He noted that he is a contractor and generallywhen a <br />sewer is Out in the laterals for the property are put in as well because laterals'can be installed at a <br />more reasonable rate whereas installing them at a later time requires much, more work. Mr. <br />Edgewater further noted that he installed" a lateral into his property for a very reasonable surd and <br />asked if the property owners will have laterals put in along the way with the new sewer. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor odor in opposition to <br />this bill. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- Farratid noted that because of this other agreement some <br />properties may be inadvertently listed as one of the tax key numbers in this ordinance and therefore <br />requested that Mr. Gilot address this issue and make sure for the record that those properties are <br />identified. <br />Mr. Gilot stated that there may be a few properties that a`re on the boundary that have a choice to <br />hook up to this sewer or the other sewer and although they are mentioned as a potential parcel that <br />could be impacted by- this ordinance they only would be impacted if they chose to hook to this sewer <br />If they hook to the Farm Bureau sewer they would pay the applicable fees under that reimbursement <br />agreement: If they hook to the Farm Bureau sewer none of the charges outlined in this ordinance <br />have any bearing on their parcel. <br />Councilmember Coleman inquired about the inclusion of laterals at the time the sewer is installed. <br />He noted that it is his understanding that the laterals would not be included and it would be the <br />prerogative of the property owner to put the lateral in. Councilmember Coleman asked if it was <br />possible for them to coordinate that activity at the time when the sewers are being put in to take <br />advantage of a lessor cost. <br />Mr. Gilot stated that they are putting laterals in within the I right -of -way. The lateral that was <br />discussed in the committee meeting this afternoon was picking up from the property line back to <br />foundation wall of their building and they will need to make private arrangements for that. The City <br />will be dropping one lateral pejrparcel that they pass with the sewer. <br />Councilmember Kirsits made a motion for favorable 'redo niftendation to full Council concerning <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />