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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 27.2000 <br />BILL NO. 124 -00 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE COMMON <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />APPROPRIATING $300,000 FROM THE WATER LEAK <br />INSURANCE FUND ( #644) FOR THE PURPOSE OF <br />- FUNDING UNANTICIPATED PRIVATE WATER LEAK <br />REPAIRS <br />Councilmember Al "Buddy" Kirsits reported that the Utilities Committee met on this bill and sends <br />it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Gary Gilot, Director, Department of Public Works, 1300 County -City Building, South Bend, <br />Indiana, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Gilot stated that this bill requests an appropriation in the amount of three hundred thousand <br />dollars ($300,000.00) so they can pay the bills they have incurred during this record setting year for <br />leak insurance claims on service lines. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill, Councilmember Kirsits made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council <br />concerning this bill. Councilmember Coleman seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote <br />of eight (8) ayes. <br />BILL NO. 125 -00 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE COMMON <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />TO EXTEND AND PROVIDE UTILITY SERVICES AND <br />TO ALLOCATE COSTS TO AN AREA RECENTLY <br />ANNEXED WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL CITY LIMITS <br />AND TO AN AREA OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS, BOTH <br />LOCATED BETWEEN U.S. 31 SOUTH AND MAIN <br />STREET IN CENTRE TOWNSHIP, ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, <br />INDIANA <br />Councilmember Al `Buddy" Kirsits reported that the Utilities Committee met on this bill and sends <br />the second substitute version of this bill to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Councilmember Coleman made motion to hear the second substitute version of this bill. <br />Councilmember Varner seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />Mr. Gary Gilot, Director, Department of Public Works, 1300 County -City Building, South Bend, <br />Indiana, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Gilot stated that this ordinance is to provide water and sewer service to an annexation area south <br />of South Bend and will also make service available to some properties that are currently outside the <br />corporate limits. They have planned these utilities to meet full development on the south side and <br />so the cost associated with additional depth and additional sizing of these utilities will be born by <br />all of the rate payers in the interest of good planning for future development. The cost per linear foot <br />was based on the average of the Reasor Street and Huey and Hamilton water and sewer extension <br />s that the council recently approved. In those instances, the unit price was negotiated downward so <br />that they are only paying the equivalent cost of an eight (8) inch line at a reasonable depth for a <br />residential subdivision. In addition to only having to pay the portion of reimbursement of the cost <br />of extension of these utilities there is no requirement that they immediately hook up and make use <br />of this service. They only have to pay at such time in the future when they choose to hook up. There <br />is a ten per cent (10 %) discount for a lump sum payment and there is the opportunity of a sixty (60) <br />month time payment plan with zero per cent (0 %) interest rate. There are differential rates for inside <br />the City limits versus outside the City limits to reflect the ownership position of shareholders of the <br />