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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 9.2000 <br />the course of the last eighteen (18) months. He has followed these developments and has heard the <br />testimony of many experts touching every different aspect of this new service and he is completely <br />convinced that this service will make the medical professional people available to South Bend <br />residents available to a wide range of other people as well. He noted that his own father was a victim <br />of trauma and died because it took three (3) hours to get him stabilized and transported to a hospital. <br />He stated that in all the capacities in which he has served this community over the years, he urges <br />the Council and would be grateful for their consideration of this matter for the local community. <br />Mr. Don Niezgodski,1113 North Elliott Street, South Bend, Indiana, advised the Council that many <br />lives would be saved if air ambulance helicopter service were available in South Bend. Mr. <br />Niezgodski told of an accident in which his daughter was involved at the University of Notre Dame <br />in which her arm was torn off. Had it not been for a helicopter being brought in from Fort Wayne <br />to South Bend and then taking her to Indianapolis, his daughter's arm would not have been saved. <br />The accident occurred at 9:30 a.m. and she was in the operating room at 11:30 p.m. in Indianapolis. <br />He noted that he is very much in favor of this helistop and he urged the Council to vote in favor of <br />this Resolution. <br />Ms. Jane Nielson, 1632 North Kenmore, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in favor of the helipad at <br />Memorial Hospital. As her father stated just before, she would not be here today if it was not for <br />the helicopter that flew her from South Bend to Indianapolis and she is very grateful. She stated that <br />she wants to reach out to those people who are opposed to this helistop to please reconsider because <br />it could be anyone's loved one that could be saved. She urged the Council to please vote in favor. <br />Mr. John Wielgos, 3506 Mishawaka Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, advised the Council that he has <br />been involved with many helicopter transports. He sited instances where traffic had to be stopped <br />to transport patients across streets, yet no residents of the surrounding area complained because it <br />was a matter of saving a life. He stated that seconds save lives and he urged the residents of the area <br />to smile every time the helicopter takes off because seconds save lives. <br />Ms. Anne Sullivan, 52855 Azelea Court, South Bend, Indiana, indicated that she represents the <br />South Bend Medical Foundation at 530 North Lafayette Boulevard. She noted that they strongly <br />believe that this community deserves access to the finest health care services available and they <br />support the hospital in bringing helicopter transport to this community. She noted that time is of the <br />essence and it is essential that the helicopter be able to land and take off as close to the hospital as <br />possible. They also believe in being a good neighbor and have been in this community for ninety <br />(90) years. She noted that Memorial Hospital has always been a good neighbor to them but because <br />they are not a residential neighbor they do not have the noise concerns that a residential neighbor <br />would have. In conclusion, she stated that they believe very strongly that this service is vital to the <br />community. <br />Ms. Helen Greenamyer, 202 East Bartlett Street, South Bend, Indiana, told the Council that she is <br />in favor of the helistop because of personal experiences she has had with her parents who have had <br />to use the helicopter out of Fort Wayne. It took fifteen (15) minutes by air when it would have taken <br />over one (1) hour and thirty (30) minutes by ambulance. She urged the Council to vote for this <br />service. <br />Mr. Jack Davis, 13110 11 B Road, Plymouth, Indiana, shared a personal experience with the <br />Council and asked them to view this issue from that point of view. Mr. Davis told of a car train <br />accident that involved his daughter, daughter -in -law and two (2) granddaughters. The daughter -in- <br />law was air lifted to Fort Wayne and the rest of the family were taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in <br />Plymouth. He was then told that his granddaughters would be air lifted to Fort Wayne and that the <br />daughter, who was seven (7) months pregnant would be taken by ambulance to Memorial Hospital <br />in South Bend. He stated that he arrived at the hospital in Fort Wayne about one (1) and one -half <br />(%) hours later and found those family members being taken care of. He called South Bend to find <br />out the status of his daughter and was told that she was still in transport to South Bend. Her baby <br />died on the way to South Bend. He said he has no way of knowing whether his grandson's life <br />could have been saved if an air ambulance would have been available. Mr. Davis told the Council <br />that his family did not have a choice but he asked the Council to make that choice available. He <br />