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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 28.2000 <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />Mr. Jim Ciermiak, 1156 East Victoria, South Bend, Indiana, asked for an estimate of how much the <br />City would accrue from this surcharge on a yearly basis. <br />Mr. Jankowski advised that that question is difficult to answer as the Morris has been closed for the <br />last two (2) years for renovation. When the surcharge of one dollar ($1.00) is in place the amount <br />generated would be double. He stated that any dollar amounts from the Morris beyond the last two <br />years would no longer be accurate. The current surcharge in place is fifty cents ($.50) per ticket. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in favor of this bill and no one was present to speak <br />in opposition to this bill. <br />Therefore, Councilmember Kelly made a motion to send this bill to the full Council favorably, as <br />substituted. Councilmember King seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) <br />ayes. <br />Councilmember Coleman noted that with the new expanded Morris Performing Arts Center the City <br />will have the opportunity to bring in larger shows which will bring in larger audiences. This benefit <br />will provide funds to take care of smaller capital items. <br />BILL NO. 23-00 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING AND RESTATING ORDINANCE <br />NO. 9027 -99, CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF <br />IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MUNICIPAL WATERWORKS OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA; AUTHORIZING THE <br />ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS FOR SUCH PURPOSE IN <br />THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO MILLION <br />SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,600,000); <br />ADDRESSING OTHER MATTERS CONNECTED THEREWITH, <br />INCLUDING THE ISSUANCE OF NOTES IN ANTICIPATION OF <br />BONDS; AND REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT <br />HEREWITH <br />Councilmember Kirsits reported that the Utilities Committee met on this bill and sends it to the <br />Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Councilmember Kirsits made motion to hear the substitute version of this bill. Councilmember <br />Coleman seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Mr. Philip J. Faccenda, Jr., Barnes & Thornburg, 600 1st Source Bank Center, 100 North Michigan, <br />South Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Faccenda advised that this is an amendment to an ordinance passed by the Council on August <br />23, 1999. He noted that the bonds to date have not been issued but it is anticipated that they will be <br />sold to the State of Indiana which is better than the open market. This ordinance, however, <br />provides for a slightly higher principal amount and interest rate in the event that the Bonds are sold <br />at a public sale. The increased principal amount also reflects a minor revision in the original proj ect <br />to include an on -site sodium hyprochlorite generation system. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to address the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill, Councilmember Varner made a motion to send this bill to the full Council favorably as <br />substituted. Councilmember Coleman seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) <br />ayes. <br />