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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 28, 2000 <br />Amend Section 4 -18 to read in its entirety as follows: <br />Sec. 4 -18 Annual Licensing Report and Review of License Fees. <br />a. On or before November 1" of each year, the Office of the City Controller shall <br />provide a written "Annual Licensing Fee Report." Said report shall provide a <br />cost/benefit analysis for license fees changed by the City. A summary for each fee <br />and criteria used for all recommended changes shall be included. <br />b. The Common Council shall review all license fees charged by the City. The <br />Personnel and Finance Committee shall recommend to the Common Council on an <br />annual basis any proposed changes following the review of the Annual Licensing Fee <br />Report. All fees shall be reasonably related to the cost incurred by the City in <br />regulating activities requiring a license to operate. <br />The above language would be included as a new Section XXV with the current and last section of <br />the bill being Section XXVI. <br />Councilmember Coleman made a motion to accept the amendment as presented. Councilmember <br />Aranowski seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Ms. Ann Carol Nash, Assistant City Attorney, 1400 County -City Building, South Bend, Indiana, <br />made the presentation for this bill. <br />Ms. Nash informed the Council that this bill adjusts the fees for various licenses based on costs the <br />City incurs which were the result of a cost analysis. She noted that page eight (8) of the bill <br />summaries the change in fees. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There being no one present wishing to address the Council either in favor of or in opposition to this <br />bill, Councilmember Aranowski made a motion to send this bill to the full Council favorably as <br />amended. Councilmember Coleman seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) <br />ayes. <br />BILL NO. 18-00 A BILL OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND CHANGING THE NAME OF THE STRUCTURE NOW <br />KNOWN AS THE MORRIS CIVIC AUDITORIUM TO THE <br />MORRIS PERFORMING ARTS CENTER AND FIXING THE <br />TICKET SURCHARGE RATE <br />Councilmember Coleman reported that the Parks and Recreation Committee met on this bill and <br />sends it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Councilmember Coleman made motion to hear the substitute version of this bill. Councilmember <br />Aranowski seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Mr. Jeff Jankowski, Deputy City Attorney, 1400 County -City Building, South Bend, Indiana, made <br />the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Jankowski informed the Council that this bill changes the name of the Morris Civic Auditorium <br />to the Morris Performing Arts Center which more accurately reflects the activity of the Center. <br />Secondly, the bill establishes a one dollar ($1.00) surcharge to the price of each ticket. The <br />exception to that is when the event is to the benefit of children. Those ticket prices are exempt from <br />this surcharge. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />