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02-12-01 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
02-12-01 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARYI2, 2001 <br />protection because the City has rigs which are closer, fully manned twenty -four (24) hours a day <br />but the City is using a department that has two (2) personnel from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday <br />through Friday, provided that both individuals are available. <br />In rebuttal, Mr. Bodnar stated that he will talk to Chief Taylor about the possibility of dual <br />responses. He stated that there is nothing in this agreement to prevent the City from supplementing <br />a response during the interim. However, the City trucks do not have the capacity of a tanker for <br />water. Mr. Bodnar sited some response times but asked that the Council focus on the issue of <br />whether or not it is better to have this agreement in place during the next four (4) months. <br />Councilmember King stated that Councilmembers are not firefighters and professional safety <br />officers, except for Councilmember Kirsits, and it is difficult to listen to Mr. Bodnar on the one hand <br />and two (2) professional firefighters on the other hand disagree so dramatically about what is <br />apparently a straight forward proposition. He stated that he personally does not feel that the Council <br />has been presented with adequate information to make a decision between those two (2) opinions <br />and asked if there was some way more light could be shed on this matter and put the Council in a <br />better position. Mr. King stated that it seems to him that the Council should be in the business of <br />approving an agreement that comes to them well recommended by the people who will be living <br />with it but in fact what they have is a difference of opinion from the administration and the <br />firefighters. <br />Councilmember Kelly asked if there was an alternative and what would happen if the Council did <br />not adopt this Resolution at this meeting. <br />Mr. Bodnar stated that the Resolution does not have to be adopted at this meeting but it needs to be <br />approved some time during the time period of the Agreement. <br />In light of Mr. Bodnar's response that it is not imperative that this Resolution be adopted at this <br />meeting, Councilmember Kelly replied that some more study could be presented to the Council in <br />order that they could make a reasoned decision. <br />With approval not being necessary today, Councilmember Ujdak asked Mr. Bodnar if he could <br />verify whether or not payments have been received by Centre Township per this Resolution. Mr. <br />Bodnar stated that they received the first payment but not the February payment. In response to <br />Councilmember Ujdak's inquiry of when the January payment was made, Mr. Bodnar replied that <br />the Council will recall that this bill was on the agenda for a January meeting and it was made not on <br />January 15"' but after that meeting. Councilmember Ujdak clarified that then it was made prior to <br />the date of what would have been the Council consideration in January. Mr. Bodnar stated that he <br />does not think so but does not know for sure. Councilmember Ujdak asked if that was legal given <br />the fact that the Council has not yet adopted this Resolution. In response, Mr. Bodnar stated that <br />they have performed the services and the obligation is there. <br />Councilmember Varner indicated that if his understanding is correct, the reason this issue came <br />about is because there is perceived to be a need and an ability to get water to the far south end of <br />the annexation area. He noted that originally that was supposed to be place within the time of the <br />completion of the annexation but was unable to be completed because the development partner was <br />no longer involved in funding the process and therefore it has been delayed. He noted that the <br />effective date of the annexation has taken place over a year ago and the concern remains that the City <br />needs to provide or at least have the provisions available for this kind of service to the residents on <br />the south side. With that in mind, the City entered into an Agreement to see that the service that <br />was deemed to be necessary was there. Councilmember Varner stated that like Councilmember <br />King's comments he agrees that the Council cannot sit here and have all the answers to the questions <br />that have come about. This is somewhat of an emergency situation or of a needed situation and if <br />the City has offered to provide services to these people the City should find a way to provide it. <br />Councilmember Varner stated that if this is what the City needs to do then the City needs to do it. <br />He stated that the Council should go ahead and get this done so the service is available. He asked <br />what would happen if the February payment was not made and the services were not rendered. <br />
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