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02-12-01 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
02-12-01 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARYI2.2001 <br />extrication that may occur in this area. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolution at this time. <br />There was no one present wishing to speak to the Council in favor of this Resolution. <br />The following individuals spoke in opposition to the Resolution: <br />Mr. Leon Stein, President of Local Firefighters Union #362, 1122 South Main Street, South Bend, <br />Indiana, residing at 52193 Woodridge Drive, South Bend, Indiana informed the Council that there <br />are quite a few things that the Union does not agree with regarding this matter. He noted that the <br />City is taking over this annexation area where they do not provide service twenty -four hours as they <br />do elsewhere in the City. He further noted that Centre Township personnel are on duty from 7:00 <br />a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and are otherwise on -call with a pager. Mr. Stein indicated that all the City <br />needs to service this area is water service and not a full service. He advised that the Street <br />Department has tankers that can be fitted to work with the fire trucks or a tanker could be rented or <br />leased. He stated that he does not think they should be paying for services that the City can supply. <br />Mr. Stein inquired what response there will be to the area once water has reached the area. He <br />reminded the Council that earlier last year he gave a presentation on the GIS study of fire truck <br />response to different areas of the City and for truck companies the City is lacking in response south <br />of town. Mr. Stein stated that a question that has come up is when the City does respond to the new <br />area for an ambulance, is it a County or a City ambulance handling the run. <br />There was no one else wishing to address the Council in opposition to this bill. <br />In rebuttal Mr. Bodnar stated that the ambulances are currently responding and they are City because <br />the area is part of the City and it is therefore considered a City response. He stated that the issue <br />before the Council is not what will happen four (4) or five (5) months from now but how the <br />situation can be handled at the present time. <br />Paramedic Krizmanich, stationed at Fire Station #13 on Ireland Road, addressed the Council in <br />opposition to this bill. He stated that he is on a County ambulance and they are still responding to <br />the annexed area. The City ambulance is not making that run. <br />In response, Mr. Bodnar thanked Mr. Krizmanich for the correction and stated that they will work <br />on that. <br />Mr. James Brien, 315 Ostemo, South Bend, Indiana, asked if the Council realizes that Centre <br />Township is and has been enrolled with a tanker supply setup with the County for years so that if <br />they respond with their tanker they have mutual aid with the entire County with water coming not <br />only from Centre but every department in the County. Mr. Brien stated that the issue is then that the <br />City is going to pay for water on a mutual aid type agreement and yet to his knowledge the City has <br />never charged for their aerial service when they respond for mutual aid into the County. <br />As a point of clarification, President Pfeifer indicated that she would not have had Mr. Bodnar come <br />forward for rebuttal as she asked if there was anyone else in opposition and no one immediately <br />responded. Therefore, she asked that anyone else wishing to speak in opposition please come <br />forward. <br />Mr. Mike Damiano, stationed at Central Fire Station, 701 West Sample Street, South Bend, Indiana, <br />and member of the Executive Board of Local 4362, 1122 South Main Street, South Bend, Indiana <br />addressed the Council. Mr. Damiano stated that he called the fire dispatch center and gave them the <br />address of 6210 U.S. 31 South which was recently annexed into the City and asked who would be <br />sent to that location to handle a heart attack victim. He was told that the call comes into the 911 <br />Center which is at 701 West Sample Street and then goes to the County dispatch center. It is rolled <br />over because if the City does not respond, which they are currently contracting out with the County, <br />then it goes from the City dispatch center to the county and they send County fire and EMS. Mr. <br />Damiano noted that the citizens that have been recently annexed are not getting the best fire <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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