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REGULAR MEETING <br />AUGUST 12, 2002 <br />COMMENTS BY MR. PAUL BOROWSKI ON A VARIETY OF ISSUES <br />Mr. Paul Borowski, 3217 Cabot Drive, South Bend, Indiana, spoke to the Council about <br />several issues of which he is concerned which included Palisades Baseball, the new Fire <br />Station, Welcome to Keller Park Neighborhood signs, the East Race, City ordinances on <br />licensing of City owned vehicles and economic development losses. Mr. Borowski <br />submitted those concerns in writing to the City Clerk. <br />COMMENTS BY MR. JAMES CIERZNIAK - PALISADES BASEBALL - HALL OF <br />FAME AND SUMMER IN THE CITY <br />Mr. Jim Cierzniak, 1156 East Victoria Street, South Bend, Indiana, spoke to the Council <br />about the Palisades Baseball situation. He read portions of a letter he wrote on August 1 st <br />to the Mayor concerning the two hundred eighty -six thousand dollars ($286,000.00) in <br />overdue lease payments from Palisades Baseball. Mr. Cierzniak asked the Mayor if he can <br />give assurances to the community that the reason for the lack of attention to the mounting <br />debt was not the role of prominent local people who have a financial interest in Palisades <br />Baseball. Mr. Cierzniak also mentioned a recent South Bend Tribune article written by Mr. <br />David Haugh in which he talked about the responsibility that the local officials showed in <br />dealing with the financial arrangements for the Hall of Fame contrasting that with the Silver <br />Hawks. Mr. Cierzniak gave a history of the Hall of Fame financing and questioned the <br />responsible handling of the financial arrangement for the Hall. In regards to the Summer in <br />the City event on which he made comments at the last Council meeting, he noted that he did <br />not say that the City should cancel the event but said that they should take a look at it. He <br />asked the Council if they receive a detailed financial report or a report that indicates who <br />participated and information about the crowds as he believes that information is important. <br />Mr. Cierzniak asked Councilmember Coleman to speak to him after the Council meeting <br />to discuss their definitions of urban experience. Councilmember Coleman agreed to discuss <br />this matter with Mr. Cierzniak. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, President Kelly adjourned the meeting <br />at 7:40 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />Loretta J. u#1 City erk <br />-10- <br />ATTEST: <br />Roland Kelly, Presid t <br />F <br />1 <br />`l <br />