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07-28-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
07-28-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 28, 2003 <br />In regards to site lighting, lights on the north side would be specifically designed only to cast light <br />toward the site and block light shining to the north. <br />The properties to the west, south and east are commercial. The property across Dunn Road to the <br />north is multi family and is referred to as the New London Lake Condominiums. <br />Mr. Hardig informed the Council that the Area Plan staff report recommended favorably on this <br />petition but it has been submitted without recommendation by the Area Plan Commission. The <br />submission without recommendation was the result of input by the New London Lake members. <br />They had questions about what would be installed on the site. They were advised that it will be a <br />fuel dispensing station only with a booth to take cash during the day. There might be the sale of pop <br />or oil outside but no work will be done on the premises. Mr. Hardig advised that when they were <br />able to meet with the New London Lake Condominium individuals they were able to assure them <br />that this was not a typical gas station repair type of facility. He and representatives of Martin's <br />Supermarket met with the New London Lake representatives, their president, property manager and <br />attorney. As a result of efforts to come to a satisfactory conclusion, New London Lake individuals <br />have withdrawn their remonstrance efforts. Martin's has agreed that it will provide evergreen <br />screening on both the north side of the Dunn Road development location and in a certain area of the <br />New London Lake Association property which would be necessary to shield lighting if any there <br />might be to come into three (3) or four (4) residences that are located right at the Dunn <br />Road /Ironwood Road intersection. <br />Additionally, Martin's has been working with the New London Lake individuals and association <br />residents concerning water control. Martin's will continue this commitment to water control and has <br />agreed to a commitment to help fund an engineering study to maximize water retention on the Dunn <br />Road development site and down the hill. Martin's has agreed to police any refuse that might be <br />found on the south side of Dunn Road on a regular basis. Martin's and Dunn Road have provided <br />for water retention on this project. Their water retention is proposed to match or exceed the City of <br />South Bend drainage requirements. <br />Martin's has also agreed to certain concerns of the New London Lake residents concerning the <br />location of the underground tanks. Although the final site engineering has not been completed, <br />those underground tanks would not be located north of the above ground fuel pumping location. <br />Martin's and New London Lake have agreed and want to continue the Dunn Road curb cut that is <br />located west of the Ironwood intersection and Dunn Road. It will remain substantially where it is <br />but could move a few feet to the west. Martin's has agreed and did not intend to use this area for <br />any truck delivery, fuel or otherwise. Martin's has agreed to change and reposition certain existing <br />lights located on the north side of their main building to try to reduce and control lighting on that <br />north side. This fuel dispensing station would not be staffed before 6:00 a.m. in the morning or after <br />10:00 p.m. at night. <br />Also, there are certain existing trees on Dunn Road which are seen right across the New London <br />Lake Condominium and as the improvements are made, subject to the Council granting this <br />approval, those trees would not be removed or destroyed and would remain. Those are located just <br />to the west of the old radiology building. There is evergreen screening for this site north of the road. <br />Mr. Hardig stated that another concern of the New London Lake Condominium Association <br />
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