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04-14-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
04-14-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />APRIL 14, 2003 <br />for the elementary and middle school youth. This is an opportunity to capture future leaders and to <br />prepare them for all of the things that they will be doing in the community. They will also be <br />prepared to become future Common Council members. Ms. Ellis advised that the South Bend <br />Community School Corporation will be most cooperative in providing support for this initiative and <br />Councilmembers will have access to students in order to carry out youth advisory activities. They <br />will assist in identifying and referring and supporting the Youth Advisory participants and look <br />forward to working in collaboration with Councilmembers White and Pfeifer and all of the <br />Councilmembers to make this initiative a success. She commended and applauded the efforts ofthe <br />Council and asked that this matter be brought to a positive success. <br />Mr. Dennis Staffelbach, 1512 Hass Drive, South Bend, Indiana, Teacher and Dean of Boys, Trinity <br />School, recounted his career beginning as a teacher at Trinity School and later being an attorney. <br />He noted that after practicing law for many years he decided that his original vocation working with <br />young people provided more opportunities to help make a little corner of the world a better place. <br />He advised that one important thing that he has learned in his years of teaching is that young people <br />want to be given responsibility. They want to be challenged in a serious way. Given that challenge, <br />they will usually rise to the highest expectations. However, if great things are expected from the <br />youth, then they must be provided with opportunities for greatness. For this reason, he stated that <br />he is thankful to this Council and especially Council President White for actively seeking significant <br />and meaningful ways in which area high school students cannot only voice their concerns but <br />contribute to the decision making process. A process that so significantly affects the future of <br />everyone. Mr. Staffelbach encouraged the Council to vote in favor of this bill. <br />Mr. Josh Lowe, 735 South Twyckenham Drive, South Bend, Indiana, representing Trinity School, <br />advised that he hopes to represent the South Bend youth as a whole and thanked the Council for their <br />consideration of a Youth Advisory Council. He noted that it is his understanding that the goal of the <br />Council would be to improve conditions for all of the residents of South Bend by allowing its youth <br />to be heard. Mr. Lowe stated that he sees the Youth Council opening many opportunities for the <br />young people of South Bend. The opportunities to have a voice in the City will insure continued <br />participation in decisions that affect all citizens for a long time to come. It will enable them to <br />bridge the gap between inherent stereotypes and the truth. The youth and adults need to see each <br />others views as valid, well thought out and pertinent to all not just to their own group. It would also <br />allow each representative to become aware of and sensitive to a different group of their peers that <br />they may otherwise not have the chance to experience. This also leads to a better future for all with <br />better understanding and the possibility of greater acceptance and cooperation in the years to come. <br />A Youth Advisory Council holds the promise of hope. Hope for making improvements in what they <br />do, how they think and what they can do as a community. Mr. Lowe asked that the youth be <br />allowed to have a voice in the community through the Youth Advisory Council. <br />Mr. Gab Duttlinger, Sophomore, Trinity High School, 2984 Jamestown Court North, Mishawaka, <br />Indiana, thanked the Council for this opportunity to speak in favor of the establishment of a Youth <br />Advisory Council which he thinks is a great idea. He indicated that the Youth Council will benefit <br />the City and the youth as South Bend's youth have a vital role to play in the community. Having <br />representation will inspire in youth a greater interest and involvement in the care and development <br />of the City and he hopes that the Common Council will find the Youth Advisory Council to be a <br />valuable source of insight, ideas and practical assistance in the Common Council's efforts to make <br />South Bend a great place to live and work. i <br />
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