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04-14-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
04-14-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 14, 2003 <br />their districts. The Mayor, in consultation with the three (3) at large Councilmembers, will pick the <br />three (3) youth at large. Councilmember Pfeifer stated that the Youth Advisory Council is another <br />incentive to keep young people at home and this would give them something exciting and real and <br />tangible to stay here at home in this community. Also, it is hoped that young people will go and ask <br />their parents and grandparents and neighbors if they voted and if they know who their representatives <br />are. These are two (2) initiatives that will benefit the City of South Bend and our young people. <br />Council President White advised that this evening the Public Hearing will be held on this bill and <br />official action will be taken. After the vote, the applications will be available from the City Clerk's <br />office. The deadline for filing applications for student representatives with the City Clerk's office <br />is May 15, 2003. On Monday, May 27, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. a swearing in ceremony will be <br />conducted at the Common Council meeting under Special Business. Council President White <br />informed the Council that she is excited about the Youth Council and will be working very closely <br />with the representatives throughout the upcoming summer months. In conclusion, President White <br />asked for the Council's support. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />Ms. Stephanie Tezich, no address given, advised that she is an intern at IUSB working on the <br />development of the Youth Advisory Council and the committee. She expressed her belief that it is <br />very important to get youth involved at an early age in local government so that they take a little <br />bit of ownership for what goes on in their city. She stated that she believes that the youth of our <br />City will definitely benefit from this program. <br />Ms. Sara Tezich, 132 Tasher Street, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in support of the Youth Advisory <br />Council. She stated that there are many benefits that the community will receive from this Council. <br />The Council will provide unique opportunities for students to develop leadership skills. It will also <br />create a link between the youth and the community which has not been there before and that is a very <br />important link that is missing. More importantly, the Youth Advisory Council will instill the <br />values that representatives will hold throughout their lives. Ms. Tezich asked the Council to <br />support the Youth Advisory Council. <br />Mr. Oliver Davis, 1801 South Nash Street, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that he is in <br />favor of the proposal for a Youth Council. He recounted that in 1987 he was part of the Huntsville, <br />Alabama Youth Council where all the student government leaders from the public and private <br />schools were able to come together once a month to meet with the city leaders and other student <br />government leaders to talk about the issues that faced the young people in the area. It also gave them <br />a chance to network among themselves about strategies on how they were running their own local <br />student governments at the high school as well as team building and those types of issues. Mr. <br />Davis advised that this was the spark for him to get involved and he definitely wants to see this <br />happen in South Bend. He noted that he is in favor of this Youth Council and is pleased with <br />Councilmembers White and Pfeifer for proposing this bill. <br />Ms. Rosalind Ellis, 52370 Liberty Mills Court, Granger, Indiana, Director, Student Services, South <br />Bend Community School Corporation, stated that on behalf of South Bend schools, it is with great <br />enthusiasm that she comes before the Council to support the creation of the Youth Advisory Council. <br />
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