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REGULAR MEETING <br />MARCH 10, 2003 <br />ground cloths and self supporting tanks as well as pneumatic bags for aircraft lifting. All products <br />are manufactured in accordance with U.S. military specifications and the company has a record of <br />one hundred per cent (100 %) on time delivery and a zero per cent (0% ) rejection rate. GTA <br />currently has contracts from the U.S. military for several million dollars for collapsible containers <br />and has recently been awarded additional government contracts for substantial additional sums <br />running through the year 2006. These contracts require GTA to produce up to twelve (12) different <br />sizes of tanks simultaneously, depending on the U.S. Army's requirements. GTA therefore needs <br />to expand its current manufacturing capabilities to accommodate the additional work and is seeking <br />to build a new twenty -four thousand (24,000) square foot building. The new project will cost six <br />hundred thousand dollars ( $600,000) for the construction of the new building by Fox Trot Realty <br />and GTA Containers will purchase two hundred fifty thousand dollars ( $250,000) of new <br />production equipment. There are currently seventeen (17) full time employees at GTA and they <br />plan to increase their workforce by four (4) to six ( 6) additional positions. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Resolutions at this time. <br />There was no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in opposition to these <br />Resolutions. <br />Councilmember Coleman made a motion for passage of amended Bill No. 03 -27. Councilmember <br />Kelly seconded the motion which carried by a roll call vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />Additionally, Councilmember Pfeifer made a motion to adopt Bill No. 03 -28. Councilmember <br />Coleman seconded the motion which carried by a roll call vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3171 -03 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND APPROVING THE ISSUANCE <br />OF SCRAP METAL /JUNK DEALERS /TRANSFER <br />STATION LICENSES FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2003 <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend recognizes the contributions <br />that operations such as junk/scrap and recycling dealers make to the community; and the Council <br />further realizes that such operations must be reasonably regulated in order to minimize any <br />environmental or aesthetic nuisances which may be created by the operations of scrap /junk/and <br />recycling dealers within the City; and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend has enacted reasonable rules <br />and regulations with regard to the issuance of licenses and the operations of the scrap /junk/and <br />recycling dealers; <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with these rules and regulations, inspections of the below listed <br />scrap /junk/and recycling operation have been completed by the Department of Code Enforcement <br />and the Fire Department Prevention Bureau, and it has been found that such premises is fit and <br />proper for the maintenance and operation of such businesses; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works, at its meeting held on February 24, 2003, <br />