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02-10-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
02-10-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 2003 <br />neighbors expressed some concerns about that and they have agreed to do that. Additionally, they <br />have agreed that the lighting on this site will not interfere with the neighbors. Landscaping is <br />another commitment by the hospital. The area will have landscaping down the entire length of St. <br />Joseph Street and along Navarre Street and there will be sod planted along this area so it will be an <br />attractive area for the neighborhood. The neighbors are going to be given an opportunity to help <br />design the landscaping to make the area attractive in a manner that will suit them. The parking <br />which is provided exceeds the parking required under the zoning ordinance. They will provide <br />plenty of parking which is always a problem with a hospital and believe it will go a long way to <br />solving some of the parking problems at the hospital. Mr. Bancroft noted that St. Joseph Street is <br />eighty -two and one half (82 1/2) feet wide and with buildings that will not exceed five (5) feet in <br />height they believe this development should not disturb the neighborhood and it will be consistent <br />with the neighborhood usage. In conclusion, Mr. Bancroft stated that Memorial Hospital is <br />growing and they need the Council's help. The hospital has tried hard to meet the demands of the <br />neighborhood and to follow what Councilmember Aranowski told them the neighbors wanted and <br />they are hoping that the Council will approve this rezoning. <br />Councilmember Aranowski indicated that it is his hope that during construction the hospital adheres <br />to the ordinance that the City has for the time of construction which was discussed in the committee <br />meeting. Additionally, Councilmember Aranowski indicated that contractor's vehicles should be <br />placed somewhere and not be intrusive to the neighborhood. Finally, Councilmember Aranowski <br />indicated that the restricted residential parking signs on St. Joseph Street may be taken down during <br />construction but will be put back in place. In response to these concerns, Mr. Bancroft stated that <br />the hospital agrees and is committed to the requests. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />Mayor Stephen Luecke, 810 Leland Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that he <br />speaks in support of Memorial's rezoning effort. He stated that urban development is difficult. <br />There are constraints on space when a project is hemmed in on the sides by neighborhoods on the <br />east and west and Leeper Park and the school on the north and it becomes more difficult to provide <br />all the facilities that Memorial would like to provide. Mayor Luecke commended the hospital on <br />their planning efforts and being respectful of boundaries that have been drawn, of working with <br />neighbors in terms of answering questions and trying to amend their plan to respond to issues raised <br />by neighbors. Mayor Luecke also commended Councilmember Aranowski for his work as well as <br />being the intermediary between the neighborhood and the hospital. Memorial Hospital is not only <br />a premier medical facility and one of which to be proud but also a premier corporate citizen in this <br />community investing not only in their campus but also investing in other facilities such as the <br />Leighton Plaza and Health Works Museum downtown. He noted that individuals who once had to <br />travel to distant places for health care treatment are now able to stay in the community. This benefits <br />not only them and their families but the community as well as dollars are kept in South Bend. <br />Mayor Luecke reported that the Redevelopment Commission endorses and supports these rezoning <br />proposals and they have worked hard with Memorial as they have done their long term planning to <br />try to see things that work to continue to anchor the north end of downtown. He noted that they <br />do build parking garages whereas sometimes institutions prefer to use flat parking. He noted that <br />when the Lafayette Street parking garage was being built they worked with the Park Avenue <br />Neighborhood in terms of landscaping and design of the structure to accommodate the neighborhood <br />t <br />
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