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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 2003 <br />appears that a portion of this site is classified as Flood Zone `B" according to the Federal Insurance <br />Rate Map. In addition, a community well field is located north of the site. The site plan is currently <br />preliminary. The City Engineer will require a drainage plan at the final site plan stage. The Area <br />Plan Commission, at its Public Hearing held on December 17, 2002 sent this petition to the Council <br />with a favorable recommendation, subject to a final site development plan. This rezoning will aid <br />in the efficient development of the Memorial Hospital campus and will benefit the community as <br />a whole. Mr. Myers presented a visual presentation of the area. <br />Mr. Ted Foti, Senior Vice - President, Memorial Health Systems, no address given, made the <br />presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Foti advised that Memorial is in the process of planning its future campus and they have three <br />(3) major needs. One is the capacity of beds for medical, surgical and long term stay. On more <br />than one occasion during the week they have been unable to admit patients to certain areas of the <br />hospital. The second need is the need for office space for physicians. They currently have four (4) <br />medical office buildings on campus which houses just under two hundred (200) physicians and <br />employ about one thousand (1,000) individuals. Currently Memorial does not have the capacity to <br />be able to offer space to any large groups of physicians who want to come to the area. The third <br />concern is parking. To complicate the matter, the awareness that they may soon be the only hospital <br />in South Bend makes the demand for space more acute. Mr. Foti provided statistics comparing <br />2001 to 2002. In 2002 the hospital admitted nineteen thousand one hundred fifty nine (19,159 ) <br />patients and saw forty -three thousand (43,000) patients in the new trauma center. Mr. Foti noted <br />that in the planning process they decided it would be best to get the rezoning done first and them <br />complete the planning to determine what buildings will go where. The rezonings requested today <br />are for property which was purchased over a period of years in the area of Main, Bartlett and <br />Lafayette Street. The most significant of their plans entails a physicians office building, a large one <br />thousand (1,000) car garage and expansion for more office space as well as administrative space <br />which goes to the north. Mr. Foti noted that they have conducted three (3) neighborhood meetings <br />with neighbors to the east and west as well as with the near Northwest Neighborhood. He noted that <br />through the efforts of Councilmember Aranowski who has spent a lot of time bringing them together <br />and finding a common ground upon which they could agree, they have been able to come to the <br />Council with something that is satisfactory and in fact meets the requirements and demands that the <br />neighborhood has asked them to perform. Mr. Foti stated that this is a three (3) phase project and <br />they are trying to meet a demand that they think will be placed upon them by at least the year 2006. <br />For that to happen they need to move forward quickly. <br />Mr. Bruce Bancroft, Barnes & Thornburg, 100 North Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana, <br />representing Memorial Hospital, displayed drawings on an easel for the Council to review. He <br />advised that when the hospital decided to start developing the skyway block they talked to <br />Councilmember Aranowski and the neighbors who had suggestions that changed the hospital's <br />mind as to how the area would be developed. He noted that they originally thought they would <br />request "G" Height and Area for this district but are now requesting "C" Commercial "F" Height and <br />Area which is a maximum of seven (7) stories. They have also agreed that they will not construct <br />any buildings in this area to be rezoned which are taller than sixty (60) feet or five (5) stories. <br />Additionally, they have agreed that the setback from St. Joseph Street, as shown on the Phase III <br />Plan, will be twenty (20) feet back from the hospital's property line which is forty (40) feet from the <br />edge of the curb on St. Joseph Street. This is a larger setback then they would be required to have <br />