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02-10-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
02-10-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 2003 <br />issues and how they were to be disposed of He noted that in looking at the ordinance he sees <br />twenty -three (23) different criteria that are broken into six (6) different divisions that really help to <br />organize the breath of issues that a community needs to look at when they are trying to decide what <br />to do with their tax dollars and how they treat some of these incentive issues. Mr. McMahon stated <br />that he would not be surprised to find other communities across the state emulating this ordinance <br />and he encouraged the Council to vote positively on this ordinance. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in favor of this bill and there was no one present <br />wishing to speak in opposition to this bill. <br />Councilmember Coleman indicated that he would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all <br />those who have been involved in this process. He noted that this is the second opportunity he has <br />had to participate in a major revision of the tax abatement ordinance, Mayor Luecke having been the <br />chief author of the current ordinance when he served as a Councilmember. Councilmember <br />Coleman thanked Councilmember Karl King for the tremendous effort that he put into looking at <br />these revisions and for giving him the opportunity to participate in this process. He also thanked Mr. <br />Don Inks and Mr. Mike Beitzinger of the Department of Economic Development with whom he had <br />an opportunity to work with during this process. <br />Councilmember Coleman made a motion that Bill No. 5 -03 go favorably to the full Council. <br />Councilmember Kelly seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of eight (8) ayes. <br />President White stated that she would echo all the comments that were heard this evening regarding <br />this bill and would like to commend Councilmember Karl King for his efforts and the time he has <br />put in moving this ordinance forward. <br />BILL NO. 10 -03 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL AMENDING CHAPTER <br />2, ARTICLE 17 OF THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL <br />CODE PROVIDING FOR A DEPOSIT PRIOR TO <br />ADVERTISING FOR SALE OF PROPERTY <br />Councilmember Aranowski, Chairperson, Personnel & Finance Committee, reported that this <br />committee met this afternoon and sends this bill to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Larry Magliozzi, Department of Community Development, 1200 County -City Building, South <br />Bend, Indiana, made the presentation for this bill. <br />Mr. Magliozzi advised that from time to time over the past several years the City has had <br />opportunities to sell or offer for sale vacant lots in the City inventory. The procedure outlined by <br />state law requires that the City perform certain steps even though a person requests their interest in <br />purchasing the lot. The property must be advertised for sale and put up for public bid. The <br />minimum bid price and request for sealed bids for the purchase of the property must be advertised. <br />Recently, even though individuals indicated their intention to purchase the lot for the minimum bid <br />price, they fail to submit a bid which causes the City to incur the advertising cost without any means <br />of recouping that cost through the sale of the property. Therefore, this ordinance is being proposed <br />which would require a one hundred ($100.00) dollar deposit to cover the costs of offering this <br />
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