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01-13-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
01-13-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 13, 2003 <br />(24%) across the board raise which will yield the same amount of money for two (2) years and they <br />can then counter again after that two (2) years. <br />Ms. Kathleen Kaiser, 51840 West Gatehouse Drive, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that <br />the St. Joseph River is a dirty river due to the fact that the wastewater treatment facility dumps raw <br />sewage into the river every time there is a half inch of rain. She noted that the Cost of Service Study <br />recommended a rate increase for the maintenance of the water treatment facility and funds to address <br />the CSO issues. The biggest users are going to face the biggest increase. The ordinance presented <br />tonight is a concession to the big users and transfers their share of the increase to a bond revenue. <br />This is fiscally irresponsible and unfair to the average taxpayer. Worst of all, it is ecologically <br />shortsighted because it does not address the CSO issues. Ms. Kaiser asked that the Council accept <br />the rate structure that Crowe Chizek initially came up with in the interest of fairness to all and its <br />responsibility to be good stewards of the St. Joseph River. <br />Mr. Mark Lorenz, 2607 Winding Oak Drive, Plymouth, Indiana, Vice -President- Support Services, <br />St. Joseph Regional Medical Center with hospitals located in Plymouth, Mishawaka and South Bend <br />stated that everyone has seen the news stories about the need for the increase in rates after a fourteen <br />(14) year period of no rate adjustment. He asked the Council to vote noon this particular bill as they <br />have not had sufficient time to take a look at it and the various rates presented. Mr. Lorenz noted <br />that they believe it would increase their rates by fifty-three per cent (53%). This would result in <br />them either needing a reduction in other costs or increasing their prices the same as other businesses. <br />This increase will have similar effects on other health care organizations, academic institutions and <br />the business community at large. One thing that they all abhor is instability. They need to be able <br />to predict and plan. While they compliment the Mayor and the Council for this alternative bill, they <br />need additional time to study its impact. They also need to make sure that this alternative would <br />address the ecological problems that were attempted to be solved in the first place. They simply do <br />not know what impact this bill will have to solve those problems because they have not had <br />sufficient time to analyze the information. <br />Mr. Mark Eagan, President, Chamber of Commerce, 401 East Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, <br />noted that the Chamber represents organizations that are area businesses that employee ninety six <br />thousand (96,000) people who live and pay taxes in this community. Working people are not part <br />of a special interest group and everyone is affected by the issue being discussed. The issue is <br />complex and the efforts of the Council and the Mayor to look toward a better solution is appreciated <br />but the best solution has not yet been found. Mr. Eagan stated that the Chamber endorses the <br />twenty-four per cent (24%) across the board adjustment and encourages that within the next sixty <br />(60) days that the group being put together look at the long term solutions. He noted that they realize <br />that the cost of living in the community increases and they are not opposed to that. However, <br />because of the length of time that has passed since the last increase, to try to make that all up in a <br />recessionary economy will not be a win for anyone. Mr. Eagan encouraged the City to continue to <br />be progressive and to involve all citizens. He noted that an earlier presentation on the issue of gangs <br />was addressed and the community saw how much research and community involvement went into <br />that issue and encouraged the Council to take that same kind of approach with this issue. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in opposition to this bill. <br />In rebuttal, Mayor Luecke thanked the Council for their time and energy in participating in these 0 <br />
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