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01-13-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
01-13-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 13, 2003 <br />occurs before the Council is asked to vote on the ordinance. He noted that Council President White <br />previously indicated her desire for a similar undertaking. <br />Mr. Nielson asked the Council, before they vote tonight, to please give consideration one more time <br />to the possibility, not of delaying further, because they are sensitive to the need that the <br />administration has to get revenues and move ahead with plans and to progress but to consider the <br />adoption of a flat twenty-four per cent (24%) rate increase for all the customers that are served. That <br />would provide the monies that are necessary for the administration and would also provide the <br />opportunity for the dialogue and the investigation that has not yet taken place. <br />Mr. Nielson stated that he understands that based on documentation provided to the local <br />newspaper, for the average residential customer, the average monthly rate would rise from thirteen <br />dollars and eight cents ($13.08) a month to fourteen dollars and ninety-nine cents ($14.99). That <br />seems to be corrected by the Cost of Service Study, Schedule M2, which indicates that the rise <br />would be from thirteen dollars and eight cents ($13.08) to fifteen dollars and sixty-seven cents <br />($15.67) the difference between the reporting and the schedule being sixty-eight cents ($.68). Mr. <br />Nielson noted that their observation of the amount of change in the event that the Council was to <br />invoke the twenty-four per cent (24%) across the board flat increase would be a monthly rate for <br />homeowners of sixteen dollars and twenty-two cents ($16.22) which is fifty-five cents ( $.55) more <br />per month than is contemplated in schedule M2 of the Cost of Service Study. He noted that they <br />believe that most concerned consumers would be willing to brook that disparity in order to have a <br />more in depth discussion of the issues. <br />Mr. Jim Robinson, Group Vice -President, Aramark Uniform Services, 3701 Progress, South Bend, <br />Indiana, stated that one of the issues they have is that they have had very little involvement or <br />participation in this matter. He noted that they are listed as the number nine (9) water user on the <br />list. He further noted that it puts them in a tough situation to be able to analyze data in such a short <br />period of time. In 2001 Aramark made a six hundred thousand dollar ($600,000.00) improvement <br />to their own wastewater treatment facility to be a better community partner. They are sensitive to <br />the needs of the City for an increase and will support an increase that they can participate in and have <br />a debate over. The issue they have is trying to recover from a fourteen (14) year period of no <br />increase with a seventy per cent (70%) increase to them in these kinds of economic conditions. Mr. <br />Robinson stated that they employ over one hundred sixty (160) employees and have gone through <br />a lot of layoffs. They support a twenty-four per cent (24%) flat across the board increase without <br />changing the structure. He indicated that he hoped the Council would vote against the bill proposed <br />this evening so they can come back as a group in two years and get everyone to participate and feel <br />better about this increase. <br />Mr. Robert L. Miller, Sr., 17526 Douglas Road, Lot 9, South Bend, Indiana, advised that he <br />represents Mr. Charlie Landesman and Mr. Wylie Wright and they vote no to this bill. Mr. Miller <br />noted that Mr. Skomp stated that it is legal to go across the board as the Supreme Court has so ruled <br />and that the rates proposed are presumed to be just and reasonable. Then a twenty four percent <br />(24%) rate across the board would be the same. He noted that would settle it for all the people. He <br />further noted that it is his understanding that that would raise the individual customer by about fifty- <br />five cents ($.55) a month. As a matter of social justice, Mr. Miller stated that there are individuals <br />on fixed incomes but there are also people working for these businesses to which the City is <br />throwing the increased burden. Mr. Miller noted that he does not thoroughly understand all the <br />
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