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12-08-03 Council Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
12-08-03 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 8, 2003 <br />Height and Area to `B" Heavy Industrial, "F" Height and Area to allow industrial uses including, <br />but not limited to, petroleum refining and other industrial uses. The property contains industrial <br />uses. Located to the north and west are industrial uses zoned "D' Light Industrial, `B" Height and <br />Area. To the south are industrial uses and commercial uses zoned `B" Heavy Industrial, "F" Height <br />and Area. To the east are industrial uses zoned "D" Light Industrial, "E" Height and Area, a <br />restaurant zoned "C" Commercial, "A" Height and Area, and churches and single family homes <br />zoned "A" Residential, "a" Height and Area. Access to the site is from Washington Avenue. Water <br />and sewer are available to the site. The drainage has not been addressed by the Petitioner. The total <br />site to be rezoned is 20.9 acres. Of that, the buildings will occupy 1.8 acres or 8.6% of the site. <br />Parking and drives will occupy 19.1 % of the site, gravel, storage and processing areas will occupy <br />64.1 per cent of the site. Open space will occupy 8.2% of the site. A check of the Agency's maps <br />indicates that no public wells, wetlands, flood or environmental hazard areas are present. The site <br />plan is preliminary. At its October 21, 2003 meeting, the Area Plan Commission sent this Petition <br />to the Common Council with an unfavorable recommendation. This property was previously zoned <br />"B" Heavy Industrial. On June 18, 1991, the Area Plan Commission recommended approval of a <br />neighborhood rezoning which was subsequently approved in July by the Common Council for the <br />West Washington- Chapin Development Area. This property was down zoned to "D" Light <br />Industrial with the expectation that, eventually, less intense industrial uses will emerge. The goals <br />of the West Washington - Chapin rezoning were to protect the residential areas of the neighborhood <br />by providing firm zoning district boundaries and reduce the Height and Area Districts. This current <br />rezoning petition is directly against the original vision set forth by the Area Plan Commission, the <br />Common Council, and by the residents of the West Washington- Chapin neighborhood in 1991. <br />Mr. Anthony Zappia, Attorney at Law, 52582 State Road 933 North, South Bend, Indiana, made the <br />presentation for this bill on behalf of Hurwich Iron Company and Access Indiana which is the land <br />holding company for Hurwich Iron. <br />Mr. Zappia stated that at a meeting held in September with the Near Westside Neighborhood <br />Association the Petitioners thought they crafted an Agreement that was fair and equitable and <br />permitted all of the parties to move forward and as part of that the ordinance was amended. He <br />stated that Hurwich sought the continuation of the scrap metal junkyard and petroleum refining <br />facility with permission to operate a facility for the crushing, grinding and storage of concrete, <br />asphalt and related materials and grinding, shredding, and storage of tree, leaf and related organic <br />materials including the coloring of treated mulch material and storage of compost on the site. He <br />stated that there was not going to be a landfill or a transfer station. Mr. Zappia noted that Ms. <br />Noreen Dean - Moran, President, Near Westside Neighborhood Association spoke in favor of this <br />proposal to the members of the Area Plan Commission. He further noted that should there be any <br />modification to this request they would have to go through the entire zoning process all over again. <br />Mr. Zappia stated that property located to the north is zoned "D" Industrial, to the west is Batteast <br />Construction and Ritschard Brothers, to the south is property zoned "E" Heavy Industrial and to the <br />east is land zoned light industrial. Properties to the north, west, south and east are all zoned <br />industrial and are trucking operations. <br />Mr. Zappia advised that the property in question is composed of twenty -one (21) acres. The <br />property was zoned "E" Heavy Industrial for decades and Hurwich has been on this site for over <br />eighty -six (86) years. In 1991 the neighborhood decided to make this a "D" Industrial site and <br />unquestionably, Mr. Jim Hurwich would never have agreed to that modification if he knew it would <br />not include recycling. Mr. Zappia noted that the zoning classification at that site now is an open <br />zoning classification. It permits fifty -three (53) different types of uses of which he stated a few that <br />would be disadvantageous to the neighborhood. In addition to those proposed uses there are one <br />hundred twenty -five (125) commercial uses of which he stated several. <br />Mr. Zappia indicated that at the present time the Petitioner processes scrap metal which is shipped <br />to an end consumer. It is a form of recycling. He noted that they were grandfathered to continue that <br />operation and they will. He further noted that it did not make sense in 1991 that this was a scrap iron <br />operation since 1917 but then it was down zoned to a "D" zoning yet Hurwich was permitted to use <br />
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