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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 2003 <br />THE FIRST ALLEY TO BE VACATED IS THE FIRST <br />NORTH /SOUTH ALLEY EAST OF LAFAYETTE BLVD. <br />FROM THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF <br />BARTLETT STREET TO THE VACATED EAST /WEST <br />ALLEY, FOR A DISTANCE OF 269.5 FEET AND A <br />WIDTH OF 14 FEET. THE SECOND ALLEY TO BE <br />VACATED IS THE FIRST NORTH/SOUTH ALLEY WEST <br />OF MICHIGAN STREET (SR 933), FROM THE NORTH <br />RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF BARTLETT STREET TO THE <br />SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PARK LANE, FOR A <br />DISTANCE OF 469 FEET AND A WIDTH OF 14 FEET. <br />THE THIRD ALLEY TO BE VACATED IS THE FIRST <br />EAST /WEST ALLEY NORTH OF BARTLETT STREET <br />FROM THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MAIN <br />STREET TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF <br />MICHIGAN STREET (SR 933), FOR A DISTANCE OF 344 <br />FEET AND A WIDTH OF 14 FEET <br />Councilmember Coleman made a motion to hear the substitute version of this bill. Councilmember <br />Aranowski seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />Councilmember Varner, Chairperson, Public Works and Property Vacation Committee, reported <br />that this committee held a committee hearing on this bill, before the substitute was offered, and sends <br />it to the Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Mr. Bruce Bancroft, Barnes & Thornburg, 100 North Michigan, 6th Floor, South Bend, Indiana, <br />made the presentation on behalf of Memorial Hospital, one (1) of the two (2) Petitioners. Mr. <br />Bancroft stated that the South Bend Community School Corporation is the other Petitioner and their <br />counsel will address the Council as well. <br />Mr. Bancroft advised that the two (2) Petitioners own all the property on both sides of the two (2) <br />streets and three (3) alleys which are being proposed for vacation. He stated that this vacation <br />petition is an important step to bring into effect the October 25, 2002 Development Agreement <br />between the City of South Bend and Memorial Hospital and also to bring into effect a contract <br />between the School Corporation and Memorial Hospital to swap property which will benefit <br />Madison School and Memorial Hospital. The plan is to make the area between Memorial Hospital <br />and Leeper Park nicer and better for Madison School and more usable for Memorial Hospital. <br />Meetings were held with both neighborhood groups which are adjacent to the hospital and all the <br />neighbors had an opportunity to express their opinions and hear an explanation personally from Mr. <br />Foti of Memorial Hospital. This Petition requests the vacation of Bartlett Street from Lafayette to <br />Michigan Street. This street will be replaced by new Bartlett Street which will be in place in a few <br />years. Mr. Bancroft stated that the Petitioners are asking that the effective date of the vacation of <br />Bartlett Street be postponed until a date which is set by the Council through a Resolution which is <br />presented by the City administration to the Council setting forth the progress of new Bartlett Street <br />and a date certain when this vacation will be effective. He noted that they are not asking that the <br />Bartlett Street vacation be effective until that date because they want to make sure that new Bartlett <br />Street is in place and can be used by the public. The other proposed vacations which are Main <br />Street from Bartlett Street north up to Park Lane and the three (3) alleys proposed for vacation would <br />be effective when this ordinance is adopted this evening. Mr. Bancroft stated that these alleys are <br />not generally used. This vacation will help clean up the area and permit its use by Memorial <br />Hospital and the School Corporation. These vacations will all help the growth and development of <br />the area between Memorial Hospital and Leeper Park. They do not cause access problems for the <br />public to either public buildings or private property or hinder the use of any public ways. <br />Mr. Ted Foti, Memorial Hospital and Health Systems, informed the Council that in the later part of <br />2001 they entered into discussions with the City of South Bend requesting that together they develop <br />-7- <br />