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vi. `the Sewer insurance Administrator shall develop the three categorical lists within the <br />Registry with order of contractors based on the date which their pre -qualification application <br />was received. if multiple applications are received on the same date, contractors for that date <br />shall be listed in the Registry in alphabetical order. <br />vii. The Sewer Insurance Administrator shall call contractors front Lou Registry in the order each <br />contractor appears on a rotational basis. If a contractor refuses a call, or is unable to respond <br />by the following business day, said contractor shall forfeit until the next rotation. <br />viii. The Sewer Insurance Administrator shall call contractors from the Registry when repair <br />conditions change and the nature of the repair work moves from a Second Opinion to either <br />an Excavation or Special condition. <br />d. if the Sewer insurance Administrator determines that a Contractor is not fully complying with <br />applicable statutes, ordinances, title and regulations or whose work has been determined to be <br />unsatisfactory, or lacks sufficient financial strength, equipment or technical expertise to perform <br />the work may be removed from the Registry for a period of up to three years from the date of the <br />violation, and shall not be eligible for cost recovery under the Sewer Insurance Program. <br />e. if either the Board or Sewer insurance Administrator learn of an ongoing criminal investigation <br />of Contractor after approval to the Registry, the Board is authorized to take action to suspend <br />Contractor from the Registry pending the outcome of such criminal investigation. Reinstatement <br />to the Registry will be subject to the process described trader Section 3(f). <br />f. Contractor Notification Process: if a contractor's status in the Registry changes in any way, the <br />Sewer Insurance Administrator shall notify that Contractor of the Sewer Insurance <br />Administrator's determination in writing within ten working days of the alleged violation, or pre - <br />qualification status change. Contractors wishing to appeal the Sewer Insurance Administrator's <br />determination shall file a written appeal to the Board not less than five business days following <br />the date of the Sewer Insurance Administrator's notice to the Contractor. The Board shalt hear <br />evidence on the Contractor's appeal at its next regular Board meeting, and the Board's decision <br />shall be final and conclusive finless an appeal is taken as in all other civil matters. The Sewer <br />Insurance Administrator's decision shall be entitled to deference by the Board unless it is <br />arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or inconsistent with the rules and regulations of this <br />Program. <br />g. Contractors shall, perform construction activities for repair work in accordance with the <br />constriction specifications found in Exhibit G of this policy. <br />h. The Director of Public Works, or its designee, may, from time -to -time, make recommendations to <br />the Board concerning the safe and efficient operation of the Sewer Insurance Program, establish <br />certain procedures to ensure that work completed by private contractors under the Sewer <br />Insurance Program is consistent, cost effective and professionally performed, and shall keep the <br />Board appraised as to unsatisfactory performance of a Contractor listed on the Registry to warrant <br />being removed from the Registry. <br />The Sewer Insurance Administrator shall select contractors from the Registry in a specific order <br />set shall <br />based on the date and time of application for pre -qualification annually. The order not <br />change unless a contractor is removed from the registry. The Sewer insurance Administrator may <br />not deviate from the order unless there is a unique situation where the selected contractor may not <br />have uniquely qualifying experience to address. If a contractor is skipped in selection for this <br />reason, they will maintain their place as the next available contractor on the Registry. The <br />contractor selected out of turn will be counted as having performed a service and will be skipped <br />in the normal rotation through the Registry until they come back on the list as the next normally <br />