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MCAI/INDIANA STATE PIPE TRADES APPLICANT/CARDHOLDER <br />DRUG TEST INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTION SHEET <br />MCAI/Indiana State Pipe Trades is exercising extreme care to insure that strict quality control <br />measures are followed in the collection, handling, and analysis of your mine specimen. You <br />play an important role in this process and should be certain that you have provided an <br />unadulterated urine specimen to the laboratory. Remember, you are certifying that the urine <br />specimen, which you provide is yours and is unadulterated. Any adulteration or switching of <br />urine is a breach of MCAI/Indiana State Pipe Trades rules and, if you are employed, may subject <br />you to discipline up to and including termination by your employer. <br />For your own protection and peace of mind, we ask that you: <br />• provide a picture identification to the collection site/technician at time of arrival; <br />• be escorted to a collection room and asked to provide an unadulterated urine specimen in the <br />collection container provided. The container should be filled to 45ml; <br />• return the specimen container to the collector and witness the collector pour your specimen <br />into specimen bottles; <br />• initial and date the integrity seals placed on your specimen bottles; <br />• verify the proper spelling of your name as recorded on the chain of custody; <br />® verify that your social security number (or other identification number) has been properly <br />' recorded; <br />• • verify that the identification number placed on your specimen bottle is the same as that <br />recorded on the chain -of -custody form. <br />If you provide an unacceptable specimen (ex, temperature of specimen that falls outside of the <br />acceptable range (90400 degrees Fahrenheit)), the collector will inform you that they cannot <br />accept the specimen and the specimen will be discarded. You will be required to provide another <br />specimen under direct observation by the same gender. The observer will direct you to raise and <br />lower clothing in order to conduct the direct observed collection properly in accordance with <br />DOT guidelines. If there is not a same gender person to perform the observation, then the <br />collection will occur unobserved. You must remain at the collection site until a valid specimen <br />is provided or else a refusal to test may result. <br />If you are unable to provide a specimen on your initial attempt, you will be allowed up to two (2) <br />hour to provide a specimen. You may drink up to 40 ounces of fluids. You will not be allowed <br />to leave the collection site until you provide a valid specimen. If you leave the collection site <br />without providing a valid specimen, it could be deemed a refusal to test which has the same <br />consequences as a positive test result. <br />For alcohol testing: <br />• If an initial (screening) breath alcohol test result has an alcohol concentration (BAC) of less than 0.02, <br />no further testing is authorized. Any initial test indicating a BAC of .02 or greater will be confirmed on <br />an EBT operated by a BAT. The confirmation test will be performed no sooner than fifteen (15) <br />minutes and no later than thirty (30) minutes following the completion of the initial test <br />• In the event the confirmation test indicates a BAC of .020 to .039, you shall be removed from the <br />worksite for twenty-four (24) hours or until your next scheduled work shift, whichever is longer. Any <br />confirmation test with a result of a BAC of .04 or greater is considered to be positive and will require <br />the immediate removal from the worksite. The consequences for a positive alcohol test are outlined in <br />the Sanctions/Consequences section of this policy. All alcohol tests shall be performed only while you <br />are considered on duty. <br />-19- <br />