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BILL NO. <br />ORDINANCE NO. ? g.S- 9-- 8 4 <br />AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE ANNUAL PAY AND MONETARY <br />FRINGE BENEFITS OF MEMBERS OF THE SOUTH BEND <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR OF 1985 <br />AND 1986 <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT: <br />The South Bend Common Council has responsibility for fixing by <br />ordinance the annual compensation of all members of the Police <br />Department, pursuant to Indiana Code 36- 8- 3 -3(d). Under that <br />authority, the Common Council's Wage Committee and the Wage <br />Committee of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 36, held <br />discussions on several occasions concerning annual pay and monetary <br />fringe benefits for sworn members of the South Bend Police <br />Department for calendar years 1985 and 1986. As a result of those <br />decisions, the Common Council adopts in this ordinance the <br />agreement between the parties. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, as follows: <br />SECTION I. (a) The South Bend Common Council recognizes the <br />Wage Committee of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 36, as <br />the sole bargaining unit for the annual pay and monetary fringe <br />benefits for sworn members of the South Bend Police Department <br />excluding the Police Chief, Division Chiefs, and Captains. <br />(b) The Police Chief, Division Chiefs and Captains of the <br />South Bend Police Department are designated in this ordinance as <br />"Officers." <br />SECTION II. Annual pay for the Officers and other sworn <br />members ot the outh Bend Police Department, by rank, for calendar <br />years 1985 and 1986 shall be as follows, provided, however, that <br />nothing herein shall exclude the applicability of Section III of <br />this ordinance should events set forth therein occur: <br />RANK <br />1985 <br />1986 <br />Police Chief <br />30,630.00 <br />31,243.00 <br />Division Chiefs <br />28,230.00 <br />28,795.00 <br />Captains <br />26,030.00 <br />26,551.00 <br />Lieutenants <br />22,630.00 <br />23,052.00 <br />Sergeants <br />21,630.00 <br />22,052.00 <br />Corporals <br />20,630.00 <br />21,052.00 <br />Patrolmen First Class <br />17,750.00 <br />18,172.00 <br />