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(6) Pickup of appliances, furniture and other <br />miscellaneous items : -ev-ee X0 -13a- s- -acrd- <br />M-il muffr- -fig-r- -of re- -aid- tw-o- - d- o- l-la. -na- and- X if-Y- -c-e4 s -(-$-2--5-0-)- <br />T tyt- - ad- d7i -t--( - -1- rieeez Appliances, furniture and other <br />miscellaneous items will be picked up as a part of the <br />regularly scheduled solid waste collection at no additional <br />charge to the city solid waste customer, provided that no <br />special equipment is required to make the pick -up. Pick -up <br />of such items which, in the opinion of the manager of the <br />Bureau of Solid Waste, require special equipment or special <br />scheduling, or pick -up requested by individuals who are not <br />city solid waste customers shall be subject to the following <br />charges: Eight dollars and fifty cents .50 minimum for <br />one piece and three dollars and fifty cents 3.50 for each <br />additional piece. <br />(d) Charges for City collection of garbage and trash shall be <br />added to the residential unit's water meter charges and collected as <br />are bills for water services. <br />(e) It is the responsiblity of the owners, occupants or <br />tenants of abutting property to keep all alleys used by any sanitation <br />vehicles clean, orderly and passable at all times. <br />Section II. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />after its passage by the Common Council, approval by the Mayor and <br />legal publication. <br />1st REA04NG <br />PUBLIC HEARING J-8"8s <br />— , — -7 — <br />FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br />[1/ / A I , e rbr,.. <br />