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Southold Heritage'Foundati6n, <br />Inc. <br />-2- <br />You require that applicants for funds .submit detailed plans for restora-tion of the property. You then inspect Ehe work to insure coropliance withthe plans and only release funds in such a manner as to insure that fundsallocated for a projecL are being used as intended.. <br />Additional activities which you are involved in are educational <br />in nature. You generate public awareness of historic and architectural <br />significance of the area by sponsoring periodic workshops, open-houses.r.guest speakers, and a walking tour of the historic d.isErict. <br />Based on this informati.on, and on the information suppried inyour application, and assuming your operation Lrill be <br />"= "l"t.a aboveand in your application, we have determined that you aie exempt fromFederal income tax under section 5or(c)(3) of the rnternal Revenue <br />Code. <br />I^Ie have further determined that <br />within the meanl,ng of secrion 509(a) <br />an organization described in sections <br />of the Code. <br />you are not a private foundation <br />of the Code, because you are <br />509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) <br />rf your sources of support, or your purposes, character, or methodof operation change, prease let your key disirict know so Eh;t officecan conslder the effeet of the change on your exempt status and founda-tion status. A1so, you should inform your key Dist.rict Director ofall ehanges ln your name or address. <br />Generally, you are not 1iable for social security (FrcA) taxes <br />unless you file a waiver of exempti.on certificate as provided in the <br />Federal rnsurance contributions Act. rf you have pald. FrcA tax9s <br />without filing the waiver, you shourd contact your key District <br />Dlrector. You are not liable for the tax imposed.under the Federal <br />Unernployuent Tax Act (FUTA). <br />since you are not a private foundation, you are not subject to <br />the excise taxes under chapter 42 of the code. Howeverr you are not <br />automatically exenpt from other Federal excise taxes. rf you have <br />questions about excise, employment, or other Federal Laxes, contact <br />any Internal Revenue Service office. <br />Donors may deduct contributi.ons to you as provided in section <br />170 of the code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts <br />Eo you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate ana girt <br />tax purposes if they meet. the applicable provisions of sections 2055, <br />2106, and 2522 of the Code.